UEFA launch investigation into claims that monkey noises were aimed at England players during 1-0 victory against Serbia at Euro 2024

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  • UEFA person launched an investigation into claims complete monkey noises
  • An inspector has been appointed to transportation retired a disciplinary probe
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By Mike Keegan and Sami Mokbel

Published: 13:15 EDT, 17 June 2024 | Updated: 13:19 EDT, 17 June 2024

UEFA person launched an investigation into claims monkey noises were aimed astatine England players during nan Three Lions’ 1-0 triumph complete Serbia.

The governing assemblage has appointed an inspector to transportation retired a disciplinary probe ‘regarding alleged discriminatory behaviour’ pursuing a study thought to person been made by a witnesser successful nan stands during nan first half of nan conflict successful Gelsenkirchen connected Saturday night.

UEFA person besides charged nan Serbian FA pinch 2 offences – nan throwing of objects and nan transmitting of a provocative connection ‘unfit for a sports event’. 

The second is understood to subordinate to nan displaying of a emblem linked to a paramilitary activity that was engaged successful taste cleansing during nan Yugoslav wars.

A spokesperson added: ‘Furthermore, an UEFA Ethics and Disciplinary Inspector will behaviour a disciplinary investigation regarding alleged discriminatory behaviour.‘

UEFA person launched an investigation into claims monkey noises were aimed astatine England players during nan crippled against Serbia

The governing assemblage has appointed an inspector to transportation retired a disciplinary probe ‘regarding alleged discriminatory behaviour’

Information connected this matter will beryllium made disposable successful owed course.’The lucifer was played retired successful beforehand of astir 50,000, pinch 8,000 Serbians thought to beryllium successful nan crowd.

As Mail Sport antecedently reported, officials said to England and skipper Harry Kane up of nan game. Officials toured nan continent pre-tournament reminding each federation of nan three-step protocol should immoderate racist behaviour beryllium identified and urged players to let nan referee to grip nan business arsenic portion of method briefings. Serbia person a agelong history of disturbing incidents. 

Officials held discussions pinch England and skipper Harry Kane up of nan game 

At nan past World Cup, successful Qatar, fans displayed fascist slogans and aimed racist chants towards taste Albanians during their side's lucifer against Switzerland, while successful 2019, they were ordered to play a crippled down closed doors pursuing akin behaviour astatine 4-2 conclusion by Portugal successful Belgrade.

Two years previously, Partizan Belgrade's Brazilian midfielder Everton Luiz was reduced to tears aft being nan taxable of monkey chants and different maltreatment from fans of rivals FK Rad.

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