Footage emerges of Bukayo Saka shining at left back for Arsenal at youth level after Ian Wright claimed he could play in DEFENCE for England to free up Cole Palmer

Trending 2 days ago
  • Ian Wright believes Bukayo Saka and Cole Palmer must some commencement for England 
  • He suggested Saka could play astatine near backmost to let Palmer to statement up connected nan right 
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By Daniel Davis

Published: 09:03 EDT, 26 June 2024 | Updated: 09:11 EDT, 26 June 2024

Footage has emerged showing Bukayo Saka dazzling for Arsenal astatine near backmost aft Ian Wright suggested he should play location for England astatine Euro 2024.

Saka started each 3 of nan Three Lions' group games successful Germany and registered an assistance for Jude Bellingham successful nan opening 1-0 triumph against Serbia.

The winger recovered nan nett himself successful past night's drab 0-0 tie pinch Slovenia but nan effort was disallowed aft Phil Foden had strayed offside successful nan build-up.

Gareth Southgate's broadside person underwhelmed contempt reaching nan last-16 arsenic Group C winners and nan clamour for Chelsea talisman Cole Palmer to commencement reached fever transportation aft his awesome cameo during nan past 20 minutes successful Cologne. 

Wright believes Southgate would guarantee equilibrium successful nan squad by playing some Saka, albeit astatine near backmost complete Kieran Trippier, and Palmer connected nan correct flank.

Ian Wright suggested Bukayo Saka could play astatine near backmost for England astatine Euro 2024

Saka impressed astatine afloat backmost successful Arsenal's academy and quickly earned a first-team promotion

Ian Wright aft nan England crippled past night… 👀🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

🗣️ “With really people left-sided Saka is, tin we put Saka astatine near backmost and Cole Palmer connected nan right-hand side?”

A reminder he played location astatine younker level for nine and state & moreover for nan first squad erstwhile he collapsed through……

— Rising Ballers (@RisingBallers_) June 26, 2024

In ray of nan Arsenal legend's comments, respective clips of Saka impressing astatine afloat backmost arsenic a youngster astatine nine level person resurfaced connected societal media.

The short video shows Saka bombing down nan left-hand side, sporting nan No 3 connected his back, arsenic good arsenic ghosting beyond opponents successful nan centre of nan pitch.

Using his mesmerising dribbling ability, nan teen chalked up a number of assists and looked an all-round package, each but guaranteeing his spot successful nan first-team.

Sure enough, Saka caught nan oculus of past Arsenal leader Unai Emery and was quickly drafted into nan elder set-up arsenic a back-up for Sead Kolasinac successful 2018.

Eventually, of course, he would go a imperishable fixture successful nan starting XI successful a much precocious domiciled but Wright has claimed dropping him backmost whitethorn beryllium beneficial.

Wright said moving Saka to near backmost and playing Cole Palmer connected nan correct would beryllium beneficial

A compilation of Saka impressing astatine near backmost arsenic a teen has resurfaced connected societal media

Saka quickly established himself arsenic an undisputed starter astatine Arsenal and moved to nan wing

'As awesome arsenic Saka has done for England successful position of what he creates and his goals and assists, he is simply a earthy left-sided player,' Wright said.

'He started playing for England connected nan near astatine younker level, he started astatine Arsenal connected nan left. If that's going to springiness you nan equilibrium and gets you Cole Palmer successful nan team, it's thing you person to astatine slightest look at.

'Yes, Kyle Walker tin play location [at left-back], it's nan aforesaid business wherever you person nan subordinate coming inside, you person nary 1 going around. He's a earthy left-footer Saka, we could activate nan full near side.'

England were jeered disconnected nan pitch aft nan last whistle yesterday and Southgate admitted nan reactions are 'creating an different environment' for his players. 

'I understand nan communicative towards maine and that's amended for nan squad than it being towards them,' he said. 'But it is creating an different situation to run in.' 

Southgate, who was besides pelted pinch integrative brew cups, past added: 'I've not seen immoderate different squad suffice and person similar. I understand it, I'm not going to backmost distant from it, but I'm very proud of nan players for really they're operating wrong it.'

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