Travis Kelce said WHAT to Taylor Swift during Eras Tour collaboration at Wembley? Instagram lipreader shares dialogue between Chiefs star and his girlfriend

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By Alex Raskin and Leocciano Callao

Published: 00:28 EDT, 29 June 2024 | Updated: 00:31 EDT, 29 June 2024

So what did Travis Kelce and his popstar woman Taylor Swift opportunity to each different during their onstage collaboration successful London past week?

A articulator scholar known to Instagram arsenic @tismejackieg claims to person nan answers aft watching nan capacity from Swift's Eras Tour.

'Wake up! Wake up!' nan Kansas City Chiefs prima supposedly yelled while carrying his supposedly exhausted woman crossed nan shape astatine Wembley.

Later successful nan act, Swift pretended to faint earlier saying: 'I don't want to!'

The top-hatted Kelce dramatically fanned Swift earlier telling her: 'You get backmost retired there!'

Pat McAfee said Taylor Swift's occurrence inspired Travis Kelce 'to beryllium great' successful his ain field 

This backmost and distant continued.

'I don't want to—ugh,' she replied.

'Get backmost retired there!' he changeable back.

No, this wasn't Shakespeare astatine nan Globe. But for Swifties successful London – and possibly immoderate Chiefs fans backmost successful Kansas City – it qualified arsenic captivating.

The capacity moreover made an effect astatine ESPN, wherever Pat McAfee insists Swift is Kelce's on-field inspiration.

After 1 of McAfee's panelists suggested that nan tight extremity is astir to person his 'last dance' this upcoming season, nan big went connected astir really Kelce is motivated by Swift's notoriety.

'I deliberation Taylor Motivates him to proceed to go,' McAfee said. 'I deliberation he watches her do her thing, and he goes: 'Holy s***, she sells retired stadiums successful each metropolis astir nan full world, she continues to make bangers, she's hands-on successful everything.''

McAfee raved astir Swift and Kelce becoming 'internet official' aft Kelce's appearance 

'He astir apt thinks: 'Yes, this is precisely who I request to beryllium around,'' McAfee continued.

'Because you cognize they opportunity you are nan institution you keep. And nan institution he's keeping is taking complete nan world, beautiful much, successful an manufacture that I don't deliberation she was expected to return complete arsenic accelerated arsenic she surely did.'

The three-time Super Bowl champion is coming disconnected 2 consecutive title wins and en way to a 3rd consecutive ring. McAfee besides noted really Kelce conscionable signed a two-year hold pinch nan Chiefs.

McAfee has agelong been precocious connected nan Kelce-Swift emotion story, applauding nan NFL prima for being supportive of nan 14-time Grammy victor and vice versa.

'Once again…I can't thief but consciousness a phenomenal consciousness of pride,' McAfee wrote astir Kelce's quality successful Swift's show. 'None of nan different bums Taylor has been pinch would ever beryllium this prepared and poised successful beforehand of 90,000 group while wearing that costume.'

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