Multiple brawls break out in chaotic scene inside Washington Square Park Pride celebration: video

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Multiple brawls and chaotic chaos engulfed Washington Square Park successful nan aftermath of New York City’s Pride Parade Sunday arsenic constabulary battled to power nan unruly mob of revelers, shocking footage shows.

Video from nan jaw-dropping segment showed fistfights and hair-pulling arsenic respective troublemakers turned nan crowded parkland into their ain individual boxing ringing while herds of onlookers watched pinch glee and moreover whipped retired their phones to grounds nan showdowns successful Lower Manhattan.

At 1 point, 2 young men threw haymakers astatine each different earlier 1 took a tumble to nan ground. Seconds later, 2 women concisely took swings astatine each different while a mates bystanders attempted to break up that kerfuffle, a clip shows.

Revelers conflict each different during Pride successful Washington Square Park successful New York City, New York, connected June 30, 2024. REUTERS

In different lawsuit of violence, 1 woman, who appeared to beryllium bleeding from her look pinch dried humor connected her achromatic shirt, went head-to-head pinch a adjacent arsenic nan crowd loudly cheered, according to footage.

Other spats of savagery included 1 female pushing different disconnected nan separator of nan park’s iconic h2o fountain while different brawler yanked a female successful a pinkish garment to nan crushed by her hair. The young female successful pinkish continued to beryllium dragged by her counterpart earlier others yet jumped successful to help.  

When location wasn’t violence, location was plentifulness of R-rated antics, including aggregate women twerking connected a achromatic conveyance and 1 personification grinding up against a ray rod he climbed to nan top, according to clips.

Another video shows constabulary officers attempting to get a grip connected nan retired of power crowd by putting up barricades astir nan parkland arsenic immoderate rabble rousers rushed toward it.

As nighttime fell, nan NYPD played a loudspeaker signaling announcing Washington Square Park’s closure and ordering group to time off — starring to arguments betwixt cops and park-goers.

A brawler yanked a female successful a pinkish garment to nan crushed by her hairsbreadth during nan mayhem. FNTV
A female is seen twerking connected a car arsenic nan NYPD tries clearing retired Washington Square Park pursuing brawls and hours of ceremony connected June 30, 2024. FreedomNewsTV
A female was seen lying connected nan crushed astatine Washington Square Park connected June 30, 2024. FNTV

It was not instantly clear if immoderate arrests took spot arsenic a consequence of nan fighting.

Before nan rowdy conduct, New York City celebrated its 54th Pride Parade arsenic thousands of revelers took portion successful nan ceremony of LGBTQ authorities successful Greenwich Village.

During nan festivities, anti-Israel protesters temporarily blocked nan march earlier they were hauled disconnected by cops adjacent nan historical Stonewall Inn, considered nan birthplace of nan cheery authorities movement.  

Police arrested 22 group during nan protestation — 16 of whom were fixed table quality tickets and released while nan different six remained successful custody Sunday night.

Additional reporting by Larry Celona.

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