Transgender reality star Jazz Jennings slams trolls who say she does not 'love her body' after she posted swimsuit photo - as she compares her sex change to 'going to the gym'

Trending 2 days ago

By Rachel Bowman For Dailymail.Com

Published: 00:19 EDT, 26 June 2024 | Updated: 09:49 EDT, 26 June 2024

Jazz Jennings deed backmost astatine critics who declare she 'doesn't emotion her body' because she is transgender successful searing caller swimsuit post.

The TLC reality star, who was assigned antheral astatine birth, had precocious been posting astir assemblage positivity connected her Instagram which prompted commenters to telephone her a hypocrite for transitioning.

Commenters questioned really Jennings, 23, tin preach aforesaid emotion erstwhile she has made truthful galore changes to her appearance.

The trans activistic shared a photograph of herself successful a acheronian bluish 1 portion swimsuit pinch her reply to those critics. 

'Sometimes, loving yourself and your assemblage intends honoring your desire to make a change. It’s for illustration going to nan gym: you do it to boost your assurance and amended your image,' Jennings said. 

Jazz Jennings blasted critics who declare she does not emotion her assemblage because she is trans successful a searing Instagram station showing her successful a acheronian bluish swimsuit

The TLC reality star, who was assigned antheral astatine birth, compared being transgender to going to nan gym insisting making changes to your assemblage is showing aforesaid love 

Jennings, who documented her life and regular struggles arsenic a trans personification connected nan show 'I Am Jazz' from 2015 to 2023, compared nan changes she made to her assemblage to fare and exercise.

'"You don’t emotion your body, you changed it" - I understand this point, but I person a different perspective,' Jennings said.

'How you look is important successful this world because it influences really we comprehend 1 another.

'Our bodies are our vessels, and everyone should person autonomy complete really they dainty theirs, whether it’s done diet, exercise, really we dress, makeup, aliases surgery. You do what makes you consciousness amended astir yourself.

'It’s not your spot to show personification other what to do; they person nan state to decide. In this world focused connected appearances, I consciousness astir assured presenting arsenic nan feminine female I am. That’s really I want to beryllium perceived,'

Jennings fans flooded nan comments connected her station showing emotion and support for nan activist

In January, nan reality TV prima announced she had mislaid 70 pounds pinch a formation photograph captioned, 'Feeling happier and healthier than I’ve been successful years'

Jennings' fans flooded nan comments connected her station showing emotion and support for nan activist.

'Loving myself and my assemblage intends taking nan steps and making nan changes that thief maine consciousness my champion and coming myself authentically. I dream that makes consciousness and that you tin admit my perspective,' 1 personification said.

Another said, 'Your connection is clear and beautifully written and I americium truthful impressed pinch really you woody pinch nan ignorance that you often person to face. You do it pinch grace and compassion, amazing!'

'If loving your assemblage meant you could ne'er alteration it, what astir Botox and tattoos and hairsbreadth colour and makeup? You do you, girl. You’re fabulous and an inspiration,' said 1 more.

Jennings, who documented her life connected nan show 'I Am Jazz' from 2015 to 2023, has shared her struggles pinch weight summation and assemblage image

Jennings show documented her struggles pinch assemblage image and respective episodes focused connected her astir 100 lbs. weight summation successful 2022 which she credited to binge-eating and medication. 

She started taking hormone blockers erstwhile she was 11 years old, and she has been candid astir really they were 'life-saving.'

In January, nan reality TV prima announced she had mislaid 70 pounds writing, 'Feeling happier and healthier than I’ve been successful years. 

'I still person a ways to go, but I’m truthful proud to yet beryllium taking nan basal steps toward bettering my mind, body, and spirit.'

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