12 witnesses spot UFO soaring above Red Rocks Amphitheater hours after concert: ‘No mistaking what this was’

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A twelve labor astatine nan Red Rocks Amphitheater watched a monolithic UFO ray up nan Colorado entity this month, according to nan National UFO Reporting Center.

The workers were cleaning up astir 1 a.m. June 5 — not agelong aft state euphony prima Ian Munsick took nan shape — erstwhile they spotted a acheronian metallic disk appear.

“One of our coworkers abruptly said to us, ‘Hey, what is that complete there? It looks for illustration a spaceship,'” nan anonymous tipster wrote successful their report.

A twelve labor astatine nan Red Rocks Amphitheater watched a monolithic UFO ray up nan Colorado entity this month.A twelve labor astatine nan Red Rocks Amphitheater watched a monolithic UFO ray up nan Colorado entity this month. Getty Images for SeriesFest

“We each turned to look successful nan guidance he was pointing and judge enough, location was a UFO hovering astir a half a mile to a mile northbound of reddish rocks,” nan poster continued.

“A twelve of america saw it. We each kept asking each other, ‘Are you seeing this too?’ It was a resounding ‘yes’ from everyone successful nan group.”

The UFO hovered supra nan treetops adjacent nan Golden venue for astir 30 seconds earlier it “disappeared into bladed air,” according to nan witness.

The trade was disc-shaped pinch 3 levels of windows resembling a three-storied agency building, nan poster wrote. The full UFO spanned respective 100 feet and was illuminated by lights.

Even much eerie, nan unidentified flying entity was wholly silent.

A UFO-like, experimental craft called Avro Project 1794 made by nan United States Air Force successful nan 1950s.A UFO-like, experimental craft called Avro Project 1794 made by nan United States Air Force successful nan 1950s. USAF / SWNS

“What’s moreover crazier is that arsenic soon arsenic we each started noticing it and stopped what we were doing to salary attraction to it, nan trade tipped astatine an perspective and slow started moving belly-first to nan east. Then it started fading distant until it was invisible. It didn’t sprout disconnected into nan distance. It simply dissolved into nan ether. We each watched it vanish,” nan station states.

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The logic for nan abrupt departure?

“We each saw it slice into thing arsenic soon arsenic it knew it was being watched,” nan witnesser speculated.

The UFO believer emphatically denied that they and their 11 colleagues mightiness person mistaken nan entity for a outer aliases a drone.

And it judge wasn’t Munsick hitting nan roadworthy for his adjacent circuit stop.

“There was nary mistaking what this was.”

There person been 3320 UFO sightings reported successful Colorado this year, earning it a 12th spot ranking for states pinch nan astir reports, according to nan National UFO Reporting Center.

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