There is 'something not right' with Gareth Southgate, Ian Wright claims... as the ITV pundit admits he 'feels' for the England boss amid his side's struggles at Euro 2024

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By Lewis Browning

Published: 11:59 EDT, 28 June 2024 | Updated: 12:25 EDT, 28 June 2024

Ian Wright has insisted location 'is thing not right' pinch England head Gareth Southgate.

Southgate and his England broadside are preparing for their Euro 2024 past 16 necktie against Slovakia connected Sunday afternoon, having topped their group pursuing their first 3 matches of nan tournament.

All has not been plain sailing, however. A triumph complete Serbia was followed up by draws against Denmark and Slovenia, pinch fans near disappointment by performances from nan Three lions successful nan 2 games.

After nan Slovenia game, fans booed nan squad disconnected nan transportation successful Cologne ans threw integrative missiles successful nan guidance of Southgate, who remained defiant and applauded nan fans insdie nan ground.

It's poissible his spell arsenic England leader is coming to and end, however, and Wright has now had his opportunity connected his caller behaviours. 

'I deliberation so,' Wright said connected nan latest section of Stick to Football: The Overlap Special, brought to you by Sky Bet, erstwhile asked if Southgate had a emotion from nan fans and media that his clip arsenic England head is up. 'You tin spot thing astir him successful his interviews.


'When you look astatine Gareth earlier this tournament, you look astatine him and his demeanour, he was very confident. When he's speaking to group and looking astatine reporters, location is an authority to what he's saying, and he has assurance successful what he's saying.

'Now you're proceeding him say, "There's thing rather not right", and he does this point astatine nan infinitesimal wherever he's speaking and will look down and you tin spot that he's contemplating thing other – location is thing not correct pinch him and I really consciousness for him because I deliberation he's taken connected truthful overmuch pinch what he's had to do arsenic England head and alteration truthful galore different things culturally and politically.'

Southgate has taken England arsenic adjacent arsenic they person travel to a awesome trophy since 1966 successful his reign, losing nan Euro 2021 last connected penalties and reaching nan World Cup semi-final successful 2018.

The Three Lions are connected nan favourable broadside of nan tie this clip successful Germany and are guaranteed to debar nan likes of France, Germany, Spain and Portugal until nan final.

Expectations and nan ambiance surrounding nan squad from nan outside, however, has been dimmed connected nan backmost of mediocre performances against Denmark and Slovenia.

Southgate has admitted he is wished to artifact retired nan noise, and walked past nan integrative missiles connected Tuesday arsenic they were thrown onto nan transportation from nan stands.

'I understand it,' he said. 'I'm not going to backmost distant from it.

'The astir important point is we enactment pinch nan team. I understand nan communicative towards me. That's amended for nan squad than it being towards them but it is creating an different situation to run in.'

He later admitted that he feels his side's 'world is different' owed to his ain doing. 

Captain Harry Kane, meanwhile, said:  'I cognize location was a spot of worldly aft nan crippled , but nan ambiance was incredible. 99 per cent of nan fans do what they ever do. They're singing, they're pushing america on. I cognize nan fans backmost location watching successful nan pubs, they're pushing america on. They want america to beryllium successful.‌

'You're ever going to get possibly 1 aliases 2 that return it a spot excessively far, but that's football, that's life. We've each been astir agelong capable to person been a portion of that. From our constituent of view, I'd opportunity conscionable support doing what they're doing. We cognize they're down us.

'They cognize that we're giving everything, we're putting everything connected nan statement to effort and beryllium successful. Nothing's changed from that constituent of view.'

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