Shocking moment suspected bank robber with a small child in his arms flees after handing teller note demanding cash

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By Dominic Yeatman For Dailymail.Com

Published: 00:09 EDT, 17 June 2024 | Updated: 03:43 EDT, 17 June 2024

A callous slope robber risked nan life of a mini kid erstwhile he took her connected a ambush astatine a Texas branch of First Convenience.

Staff astatine nan Walmart branch successful Fort Worth were caught disconnected defender erstwhile nan middle-aged customer strolled successful pushing nan kid successful a shopping cart.

He passed a statement to a teller demanding rate earlier picking up nan kid and moving retired pinch nan money successful his pocket.

A shocking information still released by nan FBI shows nan man making his exit pinch nan kid connected his arm.

'Putting an guiltless babe into harm's way, what a complete sob!' wrote Lee Ann Rose connected nan Fort Worth Police Department Facebook page.

The fishy makes his flight from nan Walmart astatine Anderson Boulevard successful Fort Worth pinch nan kid successful his arms aft his ambush connected nan First Convenience branch inside 

The robber, who has not been identified, struck conscionable aft 2pm connected June 6, astatine nan tract connected Anderson Boulevard.

There was small origin for suspicion erstwhile he wandered successful wearing a shot cap, sunglasses, a sportfishing garment and khaki–colored cargo shorts.

The FBI said he is betwixt 5ft 7ins and 5ft 9ins, and aged betwixt 35 and 45, but their explanation did not impressment immoderate skeptical posters.

'That dude looks 50 and that's astir apt a grandchild,' wrote one.

'Walmart has much cameras and monitors than labor and this is what we person to spell off?' demanded another.

'No videos exiting, nary video stepping in, nary video showing them stepping disconnected spot aliases getting into a vehicle. I stake nan cart guys person a amended grasp connected nan robbery.'

One female who claims to beryllium connected nan unit said she was wholly fooled by nan improbable looking robber. 'I consciousness wholly bad,' Titi Marie wrote connected Facebook.

'I'm nan information defender that useful astatine this location and I was connected displacement erstwhile he robbed nan bank,' she admitted. 'Unfortunately, I walked correct walk him not knowing he was nan 1 to rob nan bank. I dream personification find him soon.'

'He did it truthful nary guards aliases constabulary would tie a limb connected him,' wrote Ty Clinton.

Some Fort Worth residents were appalled astatine nan threat he had placed nan kid in.

Staff were caught disconnected defender erstwhile nan middle-aged customer strolled successful pinch nan child 

'It conscionable stunned me,' Shirley Ingram told NBC DFW.

'I mean to deliberation of that mediocre small baby, to beryllium connected pinch thing for illustration that, but she's excessively young to really cognize what's going on.

'He astir apt thought if anyone was going to shoot, he would deliberation of that small woman successful his arms, truthful I deliberation he was benignant of utilizing her arsenic a shield.'

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