Roy Keane reveals he apologised to Harry Maguire for mocking the Manchester United defender as pundit admits he 'crossed the line'

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By Jeorge Bird

Published: 11:56 EDT, 28 June 2024 | Updated: 12:28 EDT, 28 June 2024

Roy Keane has revealed that he apologised to Harry Maguire aft antecedently mocking nan Manchester United defender. 

Maguire has often received disapproval from pundits successful caller years for his performances for United and England.

However, Keane admitted that he took matters excessively acold and stated that his disapproval of Maguire was 'personal'.

Speaking connected The Overlap Special, brought to you by Sky Bet, Keane said: 'I was harsh connected Harry Maguire for footballing reasons and evidently we do a batch of [Manchester] United matches – evidently he's struggled astatine United, had a reliable clip pinch England – but much truthful nine level. We're connected astir nan intelligence wellness of players, and I've crossed nan statement pinch Maguire – I mocked him a small spot and it's not nice.

'I've played nan game, I cognize really difficult it is, but I'm besides large enough. I bumped into Harry a fewer months agone and I apologised to him. Sometimes arsenic pundits we get it incorrect arsenic well, but location is simply a constituent wherever you go, if it's individual past you're crossing nan line.'

Roy Keane has revealed that he apologised to Manchester United defender Harry Maguire

Keane admitted that he 'crossed nan line' by mocking Maguire during his punditry

In October 2021, aft United were thrashed 5-0 by Liverpool, Keane didn't clasp backmost successful his disapproval of Maguire.

Maguire, nan United skipper astatine nan time, issued a nationalist apology to nan club's supporters successful an question and reply aft nan game.

That prompted Keane to mock Maguire arsenic he did an belief of nan centre-back.

He besides accused Maguire of showing a deficiency of professionalism.

Speaking connected Sky Sports, Keane said: 'I heard Maguire talking during nan week, there's nary emotion down it. Shaw's fallen backmost into his aged habits from a fewer years ago.

'Maguire needs to benignant his crippled out. It's thing to do pinch fitness, it's conscionable a deficiency of professionalism. There are intelligibly talented players astatine nan apical of nan pitch. Midfield and defensively you do worry.'

Keane added that Maguire and chap defender Luke Shaw were 'an absolute ugliness to nan club.'

Earlier this twelvemonth Keane claimed that Maguire is holding his United team-mates backmost from committing to an fierce press.

Keane mocked Maguire aft United were thrashed by Liverpool successful October 2021

After United were beaten 2-1 by Fulham, Keane told the Stick To Football podcast, brought to you by Sky Bet: 'They aren’t pressing up. I don’t want to beryllium conscionable pinning it connected [Harry] Maguire, but there’s ever that interest pinch Maguire coming up and squeezing nan pitch, for illustration each nan different apical teams are doing.'

'There’s that interest pinch him each nan clip – that’s wherever location is gaps. They are frightened to decease to travel each nan measurement up because they’re reasoning ‘anything complete nan top, he’d beryllium successful trouble.' 

Maguire has made complete 200 appearances for United since joining from Leicester successful 2019. He has been capped by England connected 63 occasions but missed retired connected nan last squad for Euro 2024 owed to injury. 

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