Richmond's new Dusty dilemma is another sign his incredible career is quickly coming to an end

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By Ed Bourke For Nca Newswire

Published: 02:09 EDT, 27 June 2024 | Updated: 02:09 EDT, 27 June 2024

Richmond superstar Dustin Martin could beryllium managed retired of respective matches successful nan 2nd half of nan AFL play arsenic the Tigers discuss a bid of short breaks betwixt games.

Coach Adem Yze said six-day breaks each fortnight until information 23 would situation really nan nine managed its remaining fresh veterans.

He suggested Martin, 33, would beryllium improbable to recreation to Perth for nan Tigers' information 17 conflict against Fremantle if he was picked to look Carlton connected Sunday, June 30.

'Martin will train [Thursday] and we'll beryllium down pinch him later and activity retired a plan,' Yze said.

'He's going to beryllium 1 of those players who we've sewage to determine with....we are starting to hole for eight-day breaks and six-day breaks.

'If he plays this weekend, location will beryllium a precocious consequence that he mightiness not beryllium capable to play against Freo, truthful we'll beryllium down and effort to representation retired a scheme for a batch of those older guys, and he'll beryllium 1 of those.

'We'll finalise whether he plays this play aliases nan week after, but astir apt he'll struggle to play both.'

Yze expected luckless spearhead Tom Lynch to return quickly aft a two-week lay-off for a insignificant hamstring strain he suffered against Hawthorn, and defended nan club's telephone to bring him backmost from a hamstring tendon wounded successful his different limb earlier nan mid-season bye.

The sparkling profession of AFL superstar Dustin Martin appears to beryllium drafting to a close

Richmond coach Adam Yze said six-day breaks each fortnight until information 23 would situation really nan nine managed its remaining fresh veterans (Martin, is pictured aft his 300th game)

'We are confident, and nan truth he had a really beardown period of training earlier he came successful - that was nan logic why we played [Lynch] earlier nan bye,' Yze said.

'He was hindsight, you look astatine it and you spot an other 15 days to play this weekend, but if you watched him was conscionable like, 'this guy's ready'.

'It was unfortunate that he's had a small tweak connected nan different side. It'll beryllium astir apt a two-week uncertainty nan measurement of activity he sewage successful earlier that was really impressive, and we can't hold to get him backmost retired there.'

Yze said Richmond would make a determination pinch triple premiership defender Dylan Grimes connected his early towards nan extremity of nan play aft nan 32-year-old underwent a backmost cognition this week.

'He'll make that determination later successful nan twelvemonth and truthful will we. We will person that chat pinch him, but we tin spot erstwhile he's not successful nan squad really important he is to us,' Yze said.

'We'll conscionable spot really he pulls up from this cognition - hopefully, later successful nan year, he'll beryllium backmost connected his feet and getting immoderate training in, and past we'll make that determination arsenic a footy club.'

Yze besides said Samson Ryan was group to miss nan Blues conflict on pinch Lynch, which could unit nan Tigers to 'get creative' pinch their cardinal position players erstwhile again.

He said mid-season draught enlistee Jacob Blight was firmly successful nan framework for a baptism of occurrence against Carlton copy towers Charlie Curnow and Harry McKay.

'He's successful bully shape and if we prime him, we consciousness for illustration he'll beryllium capable to effect astatine AFL level, which is really awesome for a young kid who's walked into our footy nine 3 weeks ago,' Yze said.

'He is 21, he's a beardown lad and he's been playing WAFL footy, truthful he was ever going to travel successful and hopefully effect consecutive away.'

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