Revealed: The SEVEN Portugal stars who rushed to support sobbing Cristiano Ronaldo after his penalty miss... as new fan footage shows what Roberto Martinez's squad really think of him

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By Ryan Walker

Published: 04:23 EDT, 2 July 2024 | Updated: 04:26 EDT, 2 July 2024

New footage has emerged showing nan existent grade of support Cristiano Ronaldo received from 7 Portugal team-mates aft he was near successful tears connected Monday evening.

Ronaldo thought he had scuppered Portugal's Euro 2024 dream erstwhile his punishment successful other clip was heroically saved by Slovenia goalkeeper Jan Oblak.

The 39-year-old had antecedently only missed 29 of his 192 profession penalties and it each proved excessively overmuch for nan superstar to header pinch arsenic he began crying profusely during nan short other clip interval.

Portugal head Roberto Martinez was attempting to rumor instructions to his squad during a squad huddle, but Ronaldo didn't look to return a connection successful arsenic he struggled to stem nan travel of tears.

Manchester United defender and Ronaldo's adjacent friend, Diogo Dalot, pulled nan emotional superstar to 1 broadside successful an effort to calm him down while others issued words of encouragement.

New footage has emerged showing nan existent grade of support Cristiano Ronaldo received from his Portugal team-mates connected Monday

Ronaldo missed a decisive punishment successful other clip of nan Euro 2024 last-16 brushwood against Slovenia

Bernardo Silva (right) and Joao Cancelo (left) some tried to calm Ronaldo down earlier play resumed

It looked arsenic if Ronaldo wouldn't beryllium capable to proceed arsenic he sobbed profusely astatine nan Frankfurt Arena and if it wasn't for his supportive colleagues, past he mightiness not person been.

Now, caller footage filmed by a instrumentality from nan stands has showed really galore Portugal stars rallied astir nan five-time Ballon d'Or victor conscionable earlier other clip resumed.

Dalot kissed Ronaldo connected nan caput earlier pushing him backmost onto nan section of play earlier goalkeeper Diogo Costa shouted motivational comments astatine nan guardant and slapped him connected nan back.

Others past joined successful pinch nan cosmopolitan effort to get Ronaldo to extremity crying during nan highly-emotional infinitesimal pinch Joao Palhinha hugging nan seasoned and Nuno Mendes making interaction arsenic he walked to his position.

Ronaldo sobbed profusely aft missing his effort from 12-yards successful nan knockout clash

Diogo Jota, Joao Cancelo and Bernardo Silva besides joined successful trying to calm Ronaldo down conscionable seconds earlier play resumed successful nan Euro 2024 knockout clash.

He yet managed to stem nan travel conscionable arsenic nan last 15 minutes of play sewage underway, pinch neither squad capable to break nan deadlock arsenic nan lucifer went to penalties.

Ronaldo was later reprieved for his earlier missed effort arsenic he scored Portugal's first penalty, lashing a wicked changeable into nan bottommost area and again demonstrating his winning mentality.

Portugal will play France successful nan Friday's quarter-final pinch Ronaldo hoping to yet unfastened his Euro 2024 goalscoring account.

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