Inside Mark Cavendish's BRUTAL training routine: How British cyclist endured grueling 'altitude practice' as he went on to break Tour de France record for 35 stage wins

Trending 2 days ago
  • Mark Cavendish claimed a grounds 35th Tour de France shape triumph this week 
  • The British cyclist is riding successful what is group to beryllium his 15th and last Tour De France
  • Here is simply a look wrong of nan reliable training authorities he followed up of nan race 

By Kim Morrissey

Published: 06:02 EDT, 4 July 2024 | Updated: 06:02 EDT, 4 July 2024

Mark Cavendish made history this week successful nan Tour de France, breaking nan grounds for nan number of shape wins won by a azygous athlete.

After a melodramatic sprint finish, nan British cyclist claimed his 35th shape triumph successful Saint Vulbas, fending disconnected title from some Fabio Jakobsen and Jasper Philipsen to go nan astir prolific shape victor successful nan history of nan race.

Cavendish's shape triumph this week, took him past nan legendary Eddy Merckx, aft nan brace shared nan title for astir shape wins aft nan Brit became level pinch him backmost successful 2021.

The 39-year-old didn't triumph nan title by sheer luck nevertheless alternatively he has been connected a rigorous training regular implemented by Astana's caput coach Vasilis Anastopoulos.

The training scheme started each nan measurement backmost successful December and consisted of intesne altitude believe successful nan Andes and short precocious strength sprints successful Greece.

Mark Cavendish claimed a grounds 35th shape triumph astatine Tour de France this week 

The 39-year-old fought disconnected stiff title from Fabio Jakobsen and Jasper Philipsen to go nan astir prolific shape victor successful nan history of nan race

The scheme to get Cavendish his grounds 35th shape triumph astatine nan Tour de France and hopefully his first wide title triumph was hatched each nan measurement backmost successful December.

Being labelled arsenic 'Project 35' wrong nan 4 walls of Astana-Qazaqstan. 

As portion of aiming to present 1 of nan sport's crowning moments, a reliable training authorities was implemented by Anastopoulos for Cavendish.

The Greek trainer revealing that 'We started pinch our training camps already from December, I deliberation successful December, generally, he spent only 4 days astatine home.'

Cavendish's strict training scheme to get him successful nan shape of his life heading into this year's title moreover included spending a fortnight successful nan Andes mountains alongside 2 of his cardinal leadout men, Cees Bol and Michael Morkov successful January.

Preparation for nan Brit cyclist began each nan measurement backmost successful December Astana's coach revealed 

Cavendish spent 2 weeks successful nan Andes pinch nan Astana squad for Altitude training 

The Astana squad spent 2 weeks successful nan metropolis of Riongero, located 2,150 metres supra oversea level, wherever they focused connected altitude acclimatisation. 

Speaking of Cavendish's altitude training Anastopoulos said, 'there are tons of different ways to tackle altitude training, but you person to beryllium observant astir what you do. Cavendish is presently doing tons of hours successful nan saddle and only short sessions of much intensive work.'

The logic for Colombia being chosen arsenic nan location for his training campy was because Mark wanted to 'improve his aerobic capacity' Anastopoulos explained.

Telling BiciPro 'in my sentiment moreover a Classics master should do astatine slightest 1 altitude training camp. And if that is not possible, past 1 astatine oversea level, but I judge that nan benefits of altitude training are greater'. 

The 'Manxman' past went onto to participate successful nan Tour Colombia earlier returning to Europe to attraction connected nan Tour de France.

Anastopoulos revealed to nan property aft Cavendish claimed his grounds 35th shape triumph that 'at nan opening of April, [Cavendish] came to Greece pinch me. We spent 3 months successful Greece successful betwixt [the Tour of] Turkey, [Tour de] Hungary and Tour de Suisse.

'We trained each time together, believed successful nan process – I tin show you that it was not an easy one. But we ne'er stopped believing that this would travel true.'

After spending nan mostly of his clip successful Greece complete nan past fewer months, spending a 'maximum 15 days' astatine location according to nan Greek coach, nan Brit travelled to Switzerland, to return portion successful nan Tour de Suisse, wherever he kept a comparatively debased profile.

Cavendish took portion successful the Tour de Suisse arsenic last mentation for nan Tour de France 

His coach revealing they utilized nan title arsenic an opportunity to build his climbing legs done nan Alps 

Instead of being focused connected winning nan title he utilized it arsenic an opportunity to build his climbing legs done nan Alps, earlier returning to Greece to complete his last preparations for nan prolific race.   

'We spent nan full week doing sprint work, because of each nan climbs we did before,' nan coach said. 'The information I had told maine that he was tin of doing it.

'You saw coming why he's specified a large champion. He's 39 years old. Most of nan guys said he's not going to make it. He proved them incorrect successful 2021, and past he proved everyone incorrect again successful 2024. He's conscionable phenomenal.' he said to nan property aft Cavendish's win. 

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