Rescued hostage Noa Argamani says final farewell to beloved mother who battled brain cancer long enough to see her daughter one last time as she is laid to rest

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Rescued hostage Noa Argamani has told really 'against each odds' she was capable to beryllium pinch her terminally sick mother successful her 'final moments' earlier she laid her to remainder today.

The 26-year-old said she is 'still trying to process everything that has happened' successful an affectional farewell to Liora, 61, who died from encephalon cancer on Monday night.

Noa was rescued by IDF typical forces successful clip to spot her mother past period arsenic doctors fought to support her alive.

Hundreds gathered to salary their past respects arsenic Liora was buried astatine nan New Cemetery successful Be'er Sheva successful Southern Israel.

Noa's father, Yaakov, 69, collapsed down respective times and was supported by Noa throughout. They stood limb successful limb and did not time off each other's side, Noa's look etched pinch pain.

Speaking astatine nan funeral, Noa paid tribute to her mother. 'I guidelines present today, still trying to process everything that has happened recently,' she said.

Noa and her begetter astatine nan ceremonial of Liora Argamani connected Wednesday

Noa was seen being directed by her rescuers to a car earlier being pulled retired of Gaza successful a subject chopper and returned safely to a infirmary successful Ramat Gan

Liora had shape 4 crab and had pleaded pinch Hamas for Noa's merchandise earlier her rescue

Noa and her begetter be nan ceremonial in Be'er Sheva successful confederate Israel today

'You fought for illustration a lioness and ne'er gave up connected us. Now I understand that... Because Noa is location correct now, you realised you nary longer needed to interest astir me,' Yaakov said 

'Against each odds, I was fortunate to beryllium pinch you successful your last moments, to talk pinch you, laughter pinch you, and perceive your past words.

'Thank you for being beardown and holding connected each this time, conscionable truthful I could spot you astatine slightest 1 much time. Just truthful Dad wouldn't beryllium near alone.

'Thank you for 26 years of being by my broadside each moment. For arsenic agelong arsenic I tin remember, you were a domiciled exemplary for me, school maine really to admit life's small moments.

'You took maine travelling pinch you astir nan world and shaped maine into nan beardown personification I americium today.

'The devices you gave maine arsenic a small woman are ones I couldn't person acquired anyplace else. You taught maine to beryllium beardown and independent. Whenever things sewage tough, you pushed maine forward...

'I committedness you I'll proceed connected this path. I committedness I'll return attraction of Dad and look aft him conscionable arsenic you did for 31 years.

'I committedness you I'll beryllium arsenic beardown arsenic you were.

'Mum, you will ever beryllium a portion of maine nary matter wherever I spell aliases who I meet. Your serenity and calmness will ever beryllium pinch maine forever.

'And arsenic you utilized to show maine erstwhile I was a small woman - I emotion you to nan satellite and back.'

Yaakov, whose girl was rescued connected his day past month, past roseate to opportunity a fewer words. Speaking done tears, he said: 'Nothing prepares you for nan nonaccomplishment of nan personification you emotion most.

'I wanted truthful overmuch for you to enactment pinch america a small longer. You fought for illustration a lioness and ne'er gave up connected us. Now I understand that... Because Noa is location correct now, you realised you nary longer needed to interest astir me.

'Thank you truthful much, my beloved Liora. Thank you for each your wise advice. Thank you for ever being location for me, each measurement of nan way. You made maine a amended person.

'You've each heard astir my Liora, but it's important for maine to stock pinch you what benignant of personification she was... Liora was a good, wise woman, an exemplary mother who raised our girl Noa pinch values of honesty and emotion for humanity.

'Liora ever thought it important to attack everyone pinch respect and appreciation. I convey God for nan precious clip she gave america to beryllium by her side. For complete 3 decades together.

'My beloved Liora, hold for maine erstwhile I arrive. We'll proceed to beryllium together for eternity.'

'After astatine past being reunited pinch her successful June, Liora 'spent her last days alongside her girl Noa,' nan infirmary wherever she was being treated said successful a connection announcing her passing 

'Thank you truthful much, my beloved Liora. Thank you for each your wise advice. Thank you for ever being location for me, each measurement of nan way. You made maine a amended person,' Yaakov said today

Noa Argamani, past 25, was seen kidnapped connected nan backmost of motorbike during nan horrifying October 7 attacks

Liora Argamani, Noa's mother, had reached retired to US president Joe Biden urging him to thief rescue her girl (pictured successful November 2023) 

Noa was capable to observe her begetter Yakov's day aft spending much than 7 months successful Hamas captivity

Liora's Chinese sister besides gave a fewer words. 

She said of her sibling: 'As a younger sister of hers, she was my admired figure, she's beautiful, benignant successful heart, smart and wise, independent and afloat of power towards her life and her profession.

'She was highly attentive and passionate to nan needs of her girl and her husband, successful truth she was very considerate to her begetter and siblings successful China.

'She was holding Chinese traditions very good some successful China and successful Israel. She had a beautiful, awesome life. I myself, my mum, my eldest sister and younger relative are wishing Liora a beautiful life successful heaven.'

The family past walked to nan graveyard to hide Liora. They will now participate Shiva, nan seven-day Jewish play of mourning.

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