Real Madrid legend Sergio Ramos, 38, quits his boyhood club Sevilla and could be set to sign for a team who don't even EXIST yet!

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  • Former Real Madrid defender Sergio Ramos is leaving Sevilla this summer
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By Robert Summerscales

Published: 11:57 EDT, 17 June 2024 | Updated: 11:57 EDT, 17 June 2024

Sergio Ramos will time off Sevilla this summertime little than 12 months aft returning to his boyhood club.

The 38-year-old's imminent departure was confirmed by Sevilla successful an 89-word nine connection connected Monday.

It read: 'Sergio Ramos has informed Sevilla FC that he will not enactment adjacent play aft fulfiling his dream of returning to nan nine wherever he came done nan academy earlier making his world debut. Ramos made 37 appearances this season, scoring connected 7 occasions.

'The Club wishes to convey Sergio for nan commitment, activity and dedication that he has demonstrated this season, and wishes him nan champion for future.

'Sergio Ramos will bid farewell tomorrow astatine 11:00 astatine nan Ramon Sanchez-Pizjuan, accompanied by Club President Jose Maria del Nido Carrasco.'

Experienced Spanish cardinal defender Sergio Ramos, 38, is leaving Sevilla this summer

Ramos only rejoined Sevilla successful September past year, having antecedently near nan nine successful 2005

His past ever quality for Sevilla came successful a 2-1 location conclusion by Barcelona successful La Liga successful May

Ramos first joined Sevilla arsenic a kid successful 1996.

He near Seville to motion for Real Madrid successful 2005 and would spell connected to go a nine fable aft spending 16 seasons successful nan Spanish capital.

Ramos past had a two-year stint astatine Paris Saint-Germain earlier going backmost to Sevilla past September.

Over his 2 spells astatine nan club, Ramos made 87 first-team appearances for Sevilla.

It is presently unclear what Ramos will do adjacent but he has been linked by ESPN with a imaginable move to San Diego FC successful nan USA.

Ramos is champion known for his 16 seasons astatine Real Madrid, pinch whom he won 22 trophies

His adjacent destination could beryllium caller nine San Diego FC, who will play at Snapdragon Stadium

San Diego FC is simply a nine that does not technically beryllium yet but it is expected to subordinate Major League Soccer early adjacent year.

The nine - whose ownership group includes British-Egyptian businessman Mohamed Mansour - will play astatine nan 35,000-capacity Snapdragon Stadium. 

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