Pitch invader who almost ruined the best AFL game all year is caught celebrating afterwards with footy star - after fans spot dead giveaway in group photo

Trending 1 week ago
  • Magpies secured a thrilling one-point triumph complete battling North Melbourne 
  • Spectacle was held up erstwhile transportation invader took to nan section astatine Marvel Stadium 
  • Was later snapped celebrating pinch a cardinal Collingwood subordinate aft nan match 

By Josh Alston For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 21:49 EDT, 16 June 2024 | Updated: 21:53 EDT, 16 June 2024

A transportation invader who disrupted nan thrilling Collingwood-North Melbourne AFL crippled connected Sunday was later seen celebrating pinch a Magpies star, sparking contention connected societal media. 

The incident took spot astatine Marvel Stadium during nan thrilling Sunday conflict wherever Collingwood staged a singular comeback to win 18.11 (119) to 19.4 (118) aft trailing by 54 points early successful nan 3rd quarter.

Footage revealed that nan transportation invader was nan relative of a Western Bulldogs AFL subordinate Charlie Clarke and he was besides spotted successful a group photograph pinch Collingwood defender Brayden Maynard aft nan match. 

Eagle-eyed footy fans noticed writer stains connected nan invader's near knee successful nan photo. He was besides wearing nan aforesaid apparel from nan incident while fans were besides capable to lucifer up his telltale tattoos connected his near arm.

The invader is reported to beryllium a friend of Maynard's. The AFL is alert of nan incident and is investigating. 

Security tackle nan transportation invader to nan crushed during nan tense lucifer betwixt North Melbourne and Collingwood

The transportation invader, 2nd from left, posed for a photograph pinch Maynard aft nan lucifer pinch nan Marvel Stadium move stains still connected nan limb of his jeans

Channel 7 footy newsman Tom Morris posted astir nan incident connected societal media level X, stating, 'The AFL is alert of a transportation invader from nan 4th fourth successful yesterday's @NMFCOfficial v @CollingwoodFC crippled & is looking into it.'

'The maximum good is $11k + nan convention tin prohibition nan patron, who is nan relative of Dogs subordinate Charlie Clarke & friends pinch Brayden Maynard.'

The AFL has yet to remark officially, but past statements item their stance connected transportation invasions. 

'Running onto nan crushed during a lucifer is not only senseless but it is unsafe and unlawful,' AFL wide counsel Stephen Meade said successful April. 

'If you take to do it, past you will not only beryllium fixed a important good but you will person to woody pinch section authorities and yet suffer nan privilege of attending AFL matches.'

This incident follows respective akin occurrences this year. In Round 2, a instrumentality invaded nan section during nan Crows versus Geelong crippled astatine Adelaide Oval, resulting successful a life prohibition from attending AFL and AFLW matches. 

Additionally, 2 much transportation invaders were apprehended by MCG information during nan Easter Monday crippled betwixt Geelong and Hawthorn successful April.

Following nan lucifer Maynard paid tribute to a 'good mate' who had precocious passed away, pursuing his team's stirring victory. 

Maynard takes immoderate clip to clasp family earlier his 200th lucifer astatine Marvel Stadium

The Collingwood prima celebrates pinch fans aft nan tense triumph against nan Kangaroos

Maynard, playing his 200th game, expressed his feelings during a post-match question and reply connected Fox Footy.

'I'm really mislaid for words,' nan 27-year-old began. 

'It astir apt wasn't our day; they brought nan pressure, brought nan heat, they had astir of nan crippled connected their terms. To beryllium capable to conflict backmost successful Collingwood style, ace proud of nan boys.'

He acknowledged nan value of his milestone crippled but praised nan squad effort for coming location powerfully and grabbing nan thrilling victory. 

'Yes, it was a milestone for myself, but that is simply a squad performance. Team first mentality. Such a bully win, going to bask a brew tonight, that's for sure.'

Maynard, wearing a achromatic armband, past shared nan heartbreaking news astir his friend.

'I perfectly emotion this club, I emotion these boys. I'm getting a small spot affectional because it's been a large mates of weeks for me. I had a bully mate of excavation walk distant to intelligence wellness issues.'

He offered condolences to his friend's family. 

'So Deb, Amy, and Bomber, if you're watching this, my bosom goes retired to you and each your family. Much emotion from nan Collingwood family and nan full AFL community, we're sending you each our love, endless amounts of hugs each day.'

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