Footy great who played for his country dies aged just 58 after mystery 'medical event'

Trending 2 days ago
  • Former All Blacks prima Shayne Philpott has died aged 58
  • Philpott believed to person died aft aesculapian arena successful Christchurch
  • Utility backmost played 2 Tests and 12 matches for nan All Blacks

By Andrew Prentice For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 01:59 EDT, 26 June 2024 | Updated: 02:00 EDT, 26 June 2024

Former All Blacks prima Shayne Philpott has died successful New Zealand pursuing a mystery 'medical event'.

Philpott was conscionable 58.

Renowned for his versatility, Philpott could capable astir positions successful nan backline during his playing days.

He played 12 games and 2 Tests for nan All Blacks after making his debut connected nan 1988 circuit of Australia, conscionable months aft rupturing nan ACL successful his near knee.

The wounded occurred erstwhile Philpott was playing for nan New Zealand Sevens successful Sydney in a squad afloat of coming and early stars.

They included Zinzan Brooke, John Kirwan, John Schuster and Frano Botica.

Then despite breaking his limb playing for nine broadside Canterbury conscionable 9 weeks retired from nan 1991 Rugby World Cup, Philpott was named successful John Hart's All Blacks squad.

As galore rugby fans pointed retired online pursuing nan tragic news, Philpott was nary superstar - but his desire to amended made him a instrumentality favourite.

Former All Blacks prima Shayne Philpott has died successful New Zealand pursuing a enigma 'medical event'

NZ Rugby has confirmed nan news of Philpott's death, stating their 'thoughts were pinch his family'

'Philpott, aliases Rita arsenic he was known, belongs to a group of men who person produced standards and aura which are nan envy of nan sporting world,' respected rugby  journalist Wynne Gray wrote previously.

'We tin each deliberation of players we would not person chosen for nan All Blacks, fringe contenders, bit-part internationals, those who lucked successful done a assortment of circumstance.

'His activity for nan All Blacks whitethorn person totalled little than an hr but he had reached nan pinnacle of his sport.'

NZ Rugby has confirmed nan news of Philpott's death, stating their 'thoughts were pinch his family.'

Philpott's passing comes small much than a week aft erstwhile Highlander Connor Garden-Bachop besides died pursuing a aesculapian arena successful Christchurch.

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