Colombia defeats Costa Rica to qualify for Copa America's Round of 16 and extends win streak to 25 games

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By Alastair Talbot

Published: 19:57 EDT, 28 June 2024 | Updated: 20:25 EDT, 28 June 2024

Colombia made ray activity of Costa Rica successful its 2nd Copa America group crippled by extending its unbeaten streak to 25 matches, qualifying for nan tournament's information of 16 successful nan process.

Colombia started good and took nan lead successful nan 31st infinitesimal done Liverpool winger Diaz, who confidently converted from nan punishment spot aft Costa Rica goalkeeper Patrick Sequeira bundled complete striker Jhon Cordoba successful nan box. 

As Costa Rica pressed for an equalizer, they near themselves unfastened connected nan break and Colombia made them pay, pinch Sanchez heading location from a area successful nan 59th infinitesimal earlier Cordoba rounded retired nan scoring 3 minutes later (62') aft being played done connected extremity by James Rodriguez. 

Colombia apical their group pinch six points aft 2 matches, up of Costa Rica and Brazil, who person 1 constituent each. Brazil play Paraguay later connected Friday. 

The triumph was Colombia's tenth consecutive triumph successful each competitions and maintained an awesome tally of 20 wins and 5 draws since March 2022, pinch their past conclusion coming successful a 1-0 nonaccomplishment to Argentina successful February 2022. 

Colombian players rejoiced aft extending their team's lead to 3-0 against Costa Rica, Friday

Ex-Spurs defender Davinson Sanchez scored a header successful nan 59' to adhd to Colombia's 1-0 lead

James Rodriguez, Colombia's captain, provided an assistance for his team's 3rd and last goal

Colombia's caput coach Nestor Lorenzo has yet to spot his broadside suffer since taking complete successful 2022

Colombia controlled possession (66 percent) successful its opening 2-1 triumph complete Paraguay and did truthful erstwhile again successful Phoenix, Arizona, against Costa Rica (62 percent). 

The crowd besides played a immense portion successful nan 3-0 triumph for Los Cafeteros, pinch 27,386 pro-Colombian fans showing up astatine State Farm Stadium. 

Costa Rica had been nan first large astonishment of nan tournament, playing nine-time Copa America champion Brazil to a scoreless necktie contempt being outshot 18-2.

Colombia will now look to trial itself against nan champion by facing Brazil successful its last Group D game, though immoderate starters whitethorn beryllium rested owed to nan team's qualification status.

Costa Rica will request a triumph against Paraguay to support immoderate hopes of reaching nan Round of 16.

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