Oprah Winfrey recalls being body shamed by Joan Rivers on The Tonight Show: 'I'll let you come back if you lose 15 pounds'

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Oprah Winfrey recalled nan infinitesimal she was body-shamed by nan precocious Joan Rivers while making her first quality connected The Tonight Show in 1985. 

The talk show host, 70, remembered being interviewed by Rivers and shared her guidance to being called retired complete her weight while appearing on The Jamie Kern Lima Show podcast.

'I've been shamed connected The Tonight Show by Joan Rivers. I had my first quality connected The Tonight Show,' she shared.

'Joan Rivers turns to maine and she says, "Tell me, why are you truthful fat?"... connected nationalist television,' Oprah - who has admitted to using weight nonaccomplishment narcotics - went on. 

'And I don't cognize what to do pinch that. I conscionable americium like, "Well, I conscionable emotion murphy chips, Joan." She [goes], "No seriously! Shame connected you! Shame connected you!"'

Oprah Winfrey, 70, recalled nan infinitesimal she was body-shamed by nan precocious Joan Rivers while making her first quality connected The Tonight Show successful 1985

'Joan Rivers turns to maine and she says, "Tell me, why are you truthful fat?"... connected nationalist television,' Oprah shared while appearing connected The Jamie Kern Lima Show podcast; Seen pinch Joan successful 1986

The media mogul past shared that Rivers told her she could return to nan late-night show if she mislaid weight.

'"I'll fto you travel backmost if you suffer 15 pounds. You request to suffer 15 pounds." She says to maine connected nationalist television.'

'And I accepted. I judge that I should beryllium shamed because really situation me, beryllium sitting up present connected The Tonight Show.'

Oprah said she 'had agreed that I was going to spell distant and suffer 15 pounds,' but stated that alternatively she ended up gaining weight.

'Of course, I didn't suffer nan 15 pounds. I went and ate my measurement to different 10 pounds,' she shared.

Oprah shared that she had antecedently auditioned for 1985's The Color Purple but did not perceive backmost thing astatine nan clip and assumed she didn't get nan domiciled because she was 'overweight.'

She past decided to spell distant to a 'health retreat' to suffer weight, explaining 'at nan time, they called them "fat farms."'

While there, Winfrey says she tried to judge that her weight had costs her nan role, and she fto spell of her dream of starring successful nan film.

'And I don't cognize what to do pinch that. I conscionable americium like, "Well, I conscionable emotion murphy chips, Joan." She [goes], "No seriously! Shame connected you! Shame connected you!"' Oprah recalled of Joan's jabs

Oprah past shared that Rivers told her she could return to nan late-night show if she mislaid weight. '"I'll fto you travel backmost if you suffer 15 pounds. You request to suffer 15 pounds'

Oprah said she 'had agreed that I was going to spell distant and suffer 15 pounds,' but stated that alternatively she ended up gaining weight 

The media mogul shared that she had antecedently auditioned for 1985's The Color Purple but did not perceive backmost thing astatine nan clip and assumed she didn't get nan domiciled because she was 'overweight'

While she was astatine a 'health retreat' trying to suffer weight she received a telephone telephone from The Color Purple's producer, Steven Spielberg, who told her, 'You suffer a pound, you could suffer this part'; He is pictured in 2024

Winfrey yet landed nan domiciled of Sofia successful The Color Purple, and later received an Oscar information for her performance; Pictured successful a still pinch Akosua Busia, Whoopi Goldberg, and Rae Dawn Chong

But past she received a telephone telephone from The Color Purple's producer, Steven Spielberg.

'I cried and prayed immoderate more, and successful nan infinitesimal I felt nan release... a female comes moving retired and she says, "There's a telephone telephone for you." The telephone telephone from Steven Spielberg saying, "I perceive you're astatine a fat farm. You suffer a pound, you could suffer this part."'

'The truth that it happened successful nan instant I'd known I'd fto it spell was nan top life instruction I person ever received.'

'That became my grounding school for nan remainder of my life and career,' she shared. 'Do everything you can, activity arsenic difficult arsenic you can, and past fto it go.'

Winfrey yet landed nan domiciled of Sofia successful The Color Purple, and later received an Oscar information for her performance.

In May Oprah apologized for her domiciled successful promoting toxic fare civilization - months aft yet admitting she utilized weight nonaccomplishment narcotics to shed much than 40lbs.

The big opened up astir her regrets astir discussing dieting and assemblage image successful a 3 hr WeightWatchers special.

She said: 'I person been a patient subordinate successful this fare culture. Through my platforms, done nan magazine, done nan talk show for 25 years and online.

'I’ve been a awesome contributor to it. I cannot show you really galore weight-loss shows and makeovers I person done, and they person been a staple since I’ve been moving successful television.'

In May, Oprah apologized for her domiciled successful promoting toxic fare civilization - months aft yet admitting she utilized weight nonaccomplishment narcotics to shed much than 40lbs (pictured March 2024) 

She said 'for 25 years, making nosy of my weight was nationalist sport' and that since starting to return medicine she had stopped 'obsessing' astir food; Pictured successful 1992 

In March, Oprah revealed she starved herself for 'nearly 5 months' connected a liquid fare backmost successful 1988 - earlier quickly regaining nan weight aft proclaiming triumph connected television.

Speaking successful An Oprah Special: Shame, Blame and nan Weight Loss Revolution, nan prima fought backmost tears arsenic she revealed really nan narcotics had meant she was nary longer 'constantly reasoning astir what nan adjacent repast is going to be'.

She said 'for 25 years, making nosy of my weight was nationalist sport' and that complete nan years she had 'lost immoderate weight' and 'put backmost connected immoderate weight' but since starting to return medicine she had stopped 'obsessing' astir food.

Along pinch messages of support online, immoderate viewers slammed Oprah, accusing her of 'promoting large pharma and pushing Ozempic' and criticizing her for taking nan narcotics aft spending 9 years promoting Weight Watchers.

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