Matildas at war as FIFTEEN players are wiped from the history books in shocking row

Trending 2 days ago
  • A immense statement has emerged among Matildas alumni 
  • A 1975 squad has been recognised arsenic nan first Australian women's team 
  • But nan 1979 squad has fumed astatine nan determination made by Football Australia 

By Ollie Lewis

Published: 04:40 EDT, 2 July 2024 | Updated: 04:40 EDT, 2 July 2024

A immense statement has erupted among Matildas alumni aft 15 erstwhile players were wiped from nan grounds books this week.

On Monday, Football Australia announced it had revised its grounds books to corroborate that a squad from 1975 will now beryllium viewed arsenic nan first moreover Australian nationalist women's football team.

That determination has ruffled feathers among erstwhile Matildas players, causing fractures among an already dispute group of stars.

Julie Dolan has led nan backlash against nan decision, having antecedently been acknowledged arsenic nan first Matildas captain.

She led nan Australian nationalist women's shot squad against New Zealand successful 1979, which was formerly viewed arsenic nan first Matildas match, but is now nary longer recognised arsenic a infinitesimal of history. 

The U-turn from Football Australia besides intends nan 15 members of nan original squad of 1979 person been erased from nan grounds books.

The squad of 1975 has now been formerly recognised and each players successful that squad will beryllium fixed nan title of Matilda No. 0.

Dolan will stay nan No. 1 capped Matilda but, having besides played a portion successful nan 1975 team, she will besides beryllium viewed arsenic Matilda No. 0. 

A squad of 15 Matildas person been wiped from nan grounds books by Football Australia

The 1975 squad that toured Hong Kong person now been recognised arsenic nan first Australian women's team, meaning nan 1979 squad nary longer clasp that title

The 1975 cohort was not antecedently recognised because astir of nan players were members of nan aforesaid Sydney surburban nine - 1975 St George Budapest - and nary nationalist action process was undertaken. 

But nan squad represented Australia astatine an world tourney successful Asia against New Zealand, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore successful Hong Kong.

That tourney has now besides been labelled nan first-ever women's Asian Cup.

But Dolan does not return nan aforesaid position arsenic Football Australia, contempt being connected nan aforesaid tour. 

'I want to accent that location were nary tests and women from interstate clubs, aliases immoderate nine for that matter, were not invited to effort retired for this tournament,' Dolan said successful a statement.

'To perceive that FA are now recognising this nine squad arsenic nan 'first Matildas' makes a insult of nan action process for a nationalist squad and is thing short of farcical.'

Dolan added that she will cull Football Australia's connection to beryllium recognised arsenic 1 of nan 16 'zero-capped' players.

FA, who rejected nan 1975 team's lawsuit past year, are yet to explicate nan logic down their alteration of heart.

Julie Dolan, who captained nan 1979 squad but was besides portion of nan 1975 squad, has expressed her anger astatine nan decision

Pat O'Connor captained nan 1975 squad and has fought for her squad to triumph nationalist squad status. 

According to nan ABC, O'Connor was skipper of nan St George Budapest squad and was nan caput of nan Australian Women's Soccer Association astatine nan clip and received nonstop interaction from world shot officials astir an Australian team's engagement successful nan Hong Kong competition.

'This acknowledgment and nickname arsenic nan 'first Matildas' not only observe our efforts and dedication but besides cements our spot successful Australian shot history arsenic nan pioneers of nan women's game,' O'Connor said.

'It is simply a infinitesimal of immense pridefulness for each of us, and I americium grateful for nan nickname of our contributions to nan athletics we love.'

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