Forgotten ex-Arsenal star, 26, insists he has a 'taste for revenge' as he looks for the eighth club of his career - after struggling with two ACL injuries and being hospitalised with concussion

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By James Cohen

Published: 06:31 EDT, 4 July 2024 | Updated: 06:36 EDT, 4 July 2024

A forgotten ex-Arsenal prima has admitted that he has a 'taste for revenge' arsenic he looks for nan eighth nine of his master career.

The subordinate successful mobility is nary different than Jeff Reine-Adelaide - who came done nan northbound London side's academy and remained for 2 seasons earlier joining Angers.

After impressing during his clip there, he swiftly made a move to Lyon but had his clip their disrupted by injuries - including 2 ACL tears successful 2019 and 2021.

In a bid to retrieve his champion form, Reine-Adelaide went connected 2 indebtedness spells earlier yet joining Belgian broadside Molenbeek - a sister nine to Lyon. 

However, that endeavour besides suffered a disappointing ending aft he was temporarily hospitalised for a concussion following a crippled successful May.

A forgotten ex-Arsenal subordinate has begun searching for nan eighth nine of his career

The subordinate successful mobility is nary different than erstwhile Gunners midfielder Jeff Reine-Adelaide

He departed nan Belgian broadside astatine nan extremity of nan 2023-24 run and is now seeking a caller club, arsenic he looks to put his wounded woes down him.

Speaking to L'Equipe recently, he said: 'Last season, clubs were willing successful my business but needed to beryllium reassured connected a beingness level. 

'I needed a nine that would let maine to find hit and fittingness again. It's evidently scary from nan outside, but nan wounded had nary after-effects aliases seriousness.

'I stayed nether study that aforesaid evening astatine nan infirmary and I near nan adjacent day. I didn't really understand what happened… it was weird because I didn't consciousness it was serious. I request to find a nine whose sporting task speaks to me, that fits nan shot I love.

'But nan quality facet will beryllium essential… My privilege is to person nosy and beryllium portion of a bully group. I besides person a sensation for revenge. 

'Some person written maine off, but isolated from nan ACLs, I person ne'er been a very injured player. I person been labelled arsenic a vulnerable player, moreover though it's not true.'

Reine-Adelaide made 39 appearances for Lyon earlier joining RWD Molenbeek successful 2023

Reine-Adelaide joined Arsenal arsenic a youngster successful 2015 and remained astatine nan nine until 2018. He made 8 competitory elder appearances for nan Gunners.

He signed for Angers pursuing a successful indebtedness spell and past spent clip astatine Lyon, which included loans astatine Nice and Troyes earlier he joined Molenbeek connected a imperishable basis. 

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