MasterChef fans shocked over 'horrific' video of contestants fighting: 'I need my food shows to be a warm hug'

Trending 2 days ago

By A. James For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 01:20 EDT, 29 June 2024 | Updated: 01:21 EDT, 29 June 2024

A video of 2 MasterChef contestants locked successful a fierce conflict has sent nan net into a frenzy.

The clip shows 2 players connected nan US type of nan deed cooking title screaming and yelling astatine each other.

And nan unseemly spectacle has led fans of nan wholesome Aussie type to make unflattering comparisons pinch nan American reality show. 

'MasterChef US has thing to do pinch cooking,' 1 spectator posted connected Reddit.

They added: 'It's conscionable different conveyance for reality show play and cattiness.'

'Wow! I haven't watched thing other but nan AU version, truthful this is simply a complete daze to me,' different instrumentality said.

'I'm an American...,' a instrumentality announced successful nan thread, earlier slamming nan Stateside loop of nan world reality franchise.

'MasterChef US is simply a complete joke compared to [the Australian version].

A video of 2 MasterChef contestants locked successful a fierce conflict has sent nan net into a frenzy. The clip shows 2 players connected nan US type of nan deed cooking title screaming and yelling astatine each other. Pictured: MasterChef US contestant Leslie Gilliams yells astatine a chap subordinate successful a segment from nan clip

'Also, we only get 1 section per week successful nan US... 1 freaking episode! They spent for illustration nan first 4 weeks conscionable showing auditions of group trying to get connected nan show.'

Viewers were shocked to spot nan clip, which appears to beryllium from nan 2014 play of MasterChef US.

The segments show a flare up betwixt contestants Leslie Gilliams, 56 and 18-year-old schoolhouse student Ahran Cho.

At 1 point, Ahran tin been seen swearing astatine Leslie aft nan enactment astatine location dada yells astatine her during a challenge.

And nan unseemly spectacle has led fans of nan wholesome Aussie type (pictured)  to make unflattering comparisons pinch nan American show connected Reddit 

Leslie tin besides been seen complaining astir Ahran's disapproval of him during a de-brief.

'Can I opportunity thing aliases are you going to jump successful each clip because you are an 18-year-old and that's what you do?' he said.

'Masterchef US encourages this benignant of drama,' added different fan.

They continued: 'It’s not a benignant show, and nan champion location cooks would decidedly enactment away. From what I’ve heard of nan auditions- nan producers take personalities that will conflict and promote definite personas. Cooking is not nan attraction astatine all.

Viewers were shocked to spot nan clip which appears to beryllium from nan 2014 play of MasterChef US. The segments featured successful nan stock show a flare up betwixt contestants Leslie Gilliams, 56 and 18-year-old schoolhouse student Ahran Cho (pictured)

'Wish they’d study that nan world loves MasterChef Australia because it’s a large vessel of comfortableness that promotes kindness, practice and really bully food.

'The world has capable toxicity and drama. I request my nutrient shows to beryllium a lukewarm hug.'

It comes aft MasterChef Australia fans were near crushed past twelvemonth erstwhile producers decided to axe nan cooking show's taxable opus Hot N Cold by Katy Perry from nan opening credits.

According to instrumentality theories, nan singer's 2008 world deed was ditched because it was excessively expensive.

After viewers took to societal media demanding for nan tune to beryllium brought back, Channel 10 yet emerged pinch a logic for nan cut.

'The opening credits were removed successful Season 15 successful 2023,' a Channel 10 spokesperson told Pedestrian TV.

'And nan determination was made to get into nan action faster astatine nan apical of each episode.'

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