Dani Dyer is every inch the proud WAG as she celebrates with partner Jarrod Bowen in the stands after England's 2-1 comeback Euros win over Slovakia

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Dani Dyer looked each inch nan proud WAG arsenic she celebrated pinch her partner Jarrod Bowen successful nan stands aft England's 2-1 comeback Euros triumph complete Slovakia connected Sunday night.

The Three Lions looked to beryllium heading location aft a mediocre 90 minutes at at Gelsenkirchens's 60-000 capacity Arena AufSchalke, earlier Jude Bellingham's past infinitesimal goal.

Harry Kane past secured nan team's spot successful nan 4th last pinch different extremity conscionable seconds into nan half an hr other time.

And nan squad and their girlfriends and wives each looked delighted successful nan stands aft nan match, including erstwhile Love Islander Dani, 27, and her partner Jarrod, besides 27. 

Dani was proudly supporting her partner wearing a achromatic England garment arsenic she beamed astatine Jarrod who wore his team's bluish hoodie.

Dani Dyer looked each inch nan proud WAG arsenic she celebrated pinch her partner Jarrod Bowen successful nan stands aft England's 2-1 comeback Euros triumph complete Slovakia connected Sunday night

The Three Lions looked to beryllium heading location aft a mediocre 90 minutes astatine at Gelsenkirchens's 60-000 capacity Arena AufSchalke, earlier Jude Bellingham's past infinitesimal goal

Dani completed her look pinch jeans and toted a ray pinkish Chanel container pinch her for nan match.

She wore her chromatic tresses successful perfectly styled waves and opted for a glowing and bronzed constitution look. 

Dani was joined by a bid of different WAGs successful nan stands including Annie Kilner who was location to support her hubby Kyle Walker. 

Dani welcomed copy girls, Summer and Star, pinch nan footballer successful May 2023.

Dani besides shares a boy Santiago, two, pinch her ex-boyfriend Sammy Kimmence.

She initially thought she was only pregnant pinch 1 kid erstwhile she recovered retired nan news earlier being told it was twins during a scan.

Announcing nan news astatine nan extremity of January, she wrote connected Instagram: 'We person been keeping a small secret... Our small TWINS ♡ ♡ So excited to meet our babies and watch santi beryllium nan champion large brother..

'The biggest astonishment of our lives but emotion SO blessed.. our family is getting a batch bigger and we can't wait.'

Dani has been successful a narration pinch Jarrod since 2021, aft revealing he was nan 1 to descent into her DMs.

Dani was proudly supporting her partner wearing a achromatic England garment arsenic she beamed astatine Jarrod who wore his team's bluish hoodie

She wore her chromatic tresses successful perfectly styled waves and opted for a glowing and bronzed constitution look

Dani has been successful a narration pinch Jarrod since 2021, aft revealing he was nan 1 to descent into her DMs

It is understood that nan WAGS were truthful assured Southgate's broadside would hit Slovakia that they already booked backstage jets for nan quarter-finals

Some of them predicted that England would triumph and will beryllium flying to nan squad edifice successful Germany from Manchester connected a chartered level successful clip for nan match

The WAGs person already travelled a full of 3,200 miles during nan group stages

Dani has been astatine each of nan matches truthful acold to support Jarrod 

She looked for illustration she was engrossed by nan very tense game 

She said: 'He slid successful mine...however, I did person to springiness him my number, I can't beryllium doing nan DM's for days haha x.'

Elsewhere Annie supported Kyle - only taking her oculus disconnected nan shot to bottle provender their two-month-old boy Rezon.

Kilner, 30, travelled from her Cheshire location pinch each 4 of nan couple's children aft their matrimony was rocked by nan full-back's admittance to fathering a kid retired of wedlock pinch influencer Lauryn Goodman.

And friends declare she has nan afloat backing of her chap WAGS during nan tournament, pinch England group to play Switzerland successful nan quarter-finals connected Saturday aft coming from down to hit Slovakia 2-1.

A root told MailOnline: 'Annie flew retired via backstage pitchy pinch each 4 of her children to support Kyle and nan squad for nan first knockout lucifer against Slovakia.

'They adore watching nan squad, cheering connected their Dad and mixing pinch nan different families transportation side.

'It's what they're utilized to, having grown up surrounded by nan world of shot and thing will alteration this.

'Knowing they're cheering him connected from nan stands, alongside different members of his family, intends nan world to him.

'Annie is surrounded by emotion from nan different WAGS who respect her spot and resilience.

'The WAGs precocious pledged their support amidst nan circus involving Lauryn and want Annie to cognize they person her and Kyle's back.

She chatted pinch different family members successful nan stands 

Dani appeared to beryllium having a awesome clip astatine nan lucifer wherever England had a precocious comeback triumph complete Slovakia 

She was sporting his number connected her matching achromatic England shirt 

They took to their seats up of nan lucifer successful Germany 

She was seen chatting to a big of different WAGs astatine nan event 

Elsewhere Annie supported Kyle - only taking her oculus disconnected nan shot to vessel provender their two-month-old boy Rezon 

Kyle kisses his boy Rezon arsenic Annie looks on

Katie Kane takes a image of skipper Harry Kane posing pinch his kid aft nan match

'They're each a large family nary matter what happens betwixt nan adults and transportation together to support nan young ones amongst them.'

It is understood that nan WAGS were truthful assured Southgate's broadside would hit Slovakia that they already booked backstage jets for nan quarter-finals.

Some of them predicted that England would triumph and will beryllium flying to nan squad edifice successful Germany from Manchester connected a chartered level successful clip for nan match.

The WAGs person already travelled a full of 3,200 miles during nan group stages.

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