Sam Thompson breaks his silence after being consoled by pal Pete Wicks at the TRIC Awards amid rumours he is in 'crisis talks' with girlfriend Zara McDermott

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Sam Thompson has surgery his soundlessness aft he was consoled by his pal Pete Wicks astatine nan TRIC Awards past Tuesday amid reports he has been having 'crisis talks' pinch Zara McDermott.  

In pictures exclusively obtained by MailOnline, nan I'm A Celebrity winner, 31, was spotted during an affectional speech pinch his adjacent friend successful nan smoking area astatine London's Grosvenor House Hotel. 

Sam appeared to break down successful tears earlier Pete sweetly embraced him, nevertheless nan Made In Chelsea prima has now explained why he was truthful emotional. 

Speaking connected his podcast Staying Relevant, he revealed he had received immoderate upsetting news that time but confirmed he wasn't crying. 

'I wasn't crying, I wasn't really crying. I conscionable want to fto everyone cognize that now.

Sam Thompson has surgery his soundlessness aft being consoled by pal Pete Wicks astatine nan TRIC Awards past week amid rumours he is successful 'crisis talks' pinch woman Zara McDermott

In pictures exclusively obtained by MailOnline, nan I'm A Celebrity winner, 31, was spotted during an affectional speech pinch his adjacent friend successful nan smoking area astatine London's Grosvenor House Hotel

'Look, there's nary measurement of getting astir it. I had really received immoderate bad news, truthful I really was really sad, I'm not going to dishonesty astir it, but I was.' 

Sam explained that Pete took him astir nan backmost of nan edifice to console him and supply a enarthrosis to outcry on. 

He explained: 'I fto it go, I fto it each out. I americium caput butting Pete's shoulder. I americium caressed into his armpit and he is being specified a bully mate saying "I americium ever location for you blah blah blah" and I americium emotion very sorry for myself.'

During nan award's some nan pair's podcast and I'm A Celeb were nominated for an grant but neither managed to container nan accolade. 

Lightening nan mood, Pete joked: 'Personally I conscionable point it was Sam's measurement of letting retired nan truth that we hadn't won an award. I deliberation that's wherever nan tears stemmed from'. 

Sam's latest podcast section comes aft caller reports revealed Sam has been having 'crisis talks' pinch his girlfriend Zara.

However Sam didn't reside his narration arsenic he thanked his followers and listeners for reaching retired and sharing their support aft nan TRIC snaps. 

He finished: 'I really admit it. Thank you very much. Everything is bully now but it was a reliable aged time.' 

Speaking connected his podcast Staying Relevant, he revealed he had received immoderate upsetting news that time but confirmed he wasn't crying. He explained: 'Look, there's nary measurement of getting astir it. I had really received immoderate bad news, truthful I really was really sad, I'm not going to dishonesty astir it, but I was'

Sam's latest podcast section comes aft caller reports revealed Sam has been having 'crisis talks' pinch his woman Zara. However Sam didn't reside his narration arsenic he thanked his followers and listeners for reaching retired and sharing their support aft nan TRIC snaps

It was reported that Sam's heartache was caused by a 'blazing row' pinch Zara, 27, which saw her battalion her bags past play and leave nan London location they share

However, everything appeared to beryllium looking up connected Tuesday erstwhile nan presenter shared an update clip to his Instagram Story. 

'Today is going to beryllium a bully day! I'm ne'er wrong. It's going to beryllium a really bully one,' Sam beamed. 

He added: 'And nan Staying Relevant podcast section which came retired yesterday is 1 of my favourite ever episodes that I deliberation I've ever recorded. 

'Pete is successful specified bully shape astatine nan moment, he really is! So, click nan nexus and springiness it a small listen. Let's get cracking!' 

Sam and his girlfriend Zara were spotted filming together successful Chelsea connected past week aft rumours of problem successful their narration surfaced.

But nan brace appeared to brushwood disconnected nan reports to attraction connected work, arsenic successful video obtained exclusively by MailOnline showed them filming a task together.

It is chartless what nan mates were shooting for, but they had arrived astatine nan location soon aft supporting Sam's nephew Leo, two, astatine his sports time in Eel Brook Common, pinch his sister Louise Thompson.

However, successful a slew of societal media posts from nan day, Zara was noticeably absent successful each of them, starring to speculation she did not subordinate nan Thompson clan. 

But nan Love Island prima took to her Instagram Stories nan aforesaid time to uncover nan brace had grabbed 2 crystal creams from a van during their outing.

However, everything appeared to beryllium looking up connected Tuesday erstwhile nan presenter shared an update clip to his Instagram Story saying 'Today is going to beryllium a bully day! I'm ne'er wrong. It's going to beryllium a really bully one'

Sam and his woman Zara were spotted filming together successful Chelsea connected Saturday, aft rumours of problem successful their narration surfaced 

The Love Island prima took to her Instagram Stories nan aforesaid time to uncover nan brace had grabbed 2 crystal creams from a van during their outing

Appearing to put connected a agreed front, she captioned a threat of them holding retired their cones together: ''Feeling gutted because this crystal pick van didn't person immoderate sprinkles'.

It comes amid reports that nan mates are going done a unsmooth patch, but according to a root adjacent to nan couple, they are now trying to 'patch things up'. 

The insider The Sun: 'Since Christmas, Zara and Sam person been really engaged pinch activity and person had small value clip to spot each different and arsenic a result, their narration has suffered.

'They’ve some wanted to make nan astir of their careers and opportunity yes to each nan breathtaking opportunities offered to them.

'Last play it came to a caput and they had a large row. It was very upsetting and they needed immoderate clip to fto nan particulate settle.'

According to nan publication, Zara went to enactment pinch her parents successful Essex earlier she headed to a modelling occupation successful Majorca. 

The reality prima proceeded to post a cryptic connection astir staying affirmative arsenic she quoted: 'When life gives you lemons' alongside a image of her posing successful a minidress. 

She is now backmost successful Britain and nan brace are believed to beryllium trying to salvage their relationship.

The insider besides added Zara returned location to effort and 'iron retired their differences'. 

It comes conscionable weeks aft Sam was locked successful a likewise melodramatic chat pinch his woman though nan prima has since insisted that they were conscionable having a 'passionate pep talk'  

It comes amid reports that nan mates are going done a unsmooth patch, but according to a root adjacent to nan couple, they are now trying to 'patch things up' 

MailOnline has contacted representatives for Sam and Zara for comment. 

It comes conscionable weeks aft Sam was locked successful a likewise melodramatic chat pinch his woman Zara McDermott, though nan prima has since insisted that they were conscionable having a 'passionate pep talk.'

The brace had been pictured together astatine nan Soccer Aid afterparty, wherever they appeared to prosecute successful a heated exchange.

However, Zara took to Instagram nan pursuing time to reside nan pictures and said she was telling nan reality prima 'positive affirmations', aft it looked for illustration they were having an argument.

She wrote: 'Why did this make maine laughter truthful overmuch btw [laughing emojis] 'Stop saying you should person scored!!!! You did your champion and that's each that matters!! You request to extremity doubting yourself!!!'

'It looks for illustration we are having an statement but I'm really telling him affirmative affirmations successful a very passionate manner.'

Zara appeared disappointment arsenic she visibly waved her arms astir while heavy successful a tense chat - but now confirmed it was conscionable an incredibly passionate conversation.

The brace person been making love for 4 years aft nan Love Island prima 'slid into his DMs'. 

Back successful 2020 they divided concisely after he learned she had cheated connected him pinch a workfellow while appearing connected X Factor: Celebrity, earlier rekindling their romance pinch nan scenes played retired connected Made In Chelsea. 

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