Louie Hinchliffe secures his place at the Olympics with Athletics legend - and coach - Carl Lewis cheering him on as he takes gold in the 100m at the UK Championships

Trending 2 days ago
  • Hinchcliffe's profession has taken disconnected since he moved to Houston for Lewis' coaching
  • He became British champion for nan first clip and secured his spot successful Paris
  • Jeremiah Azu and Zharnel Hughes are group to subordinate nan 21-year-old astatine nan Games

By David Coverdale

Published: 15:48 EDT, 29 June 2024 | Updated: 15:48 EDT, 29 June 2024

From obscurity to nan Olympics. Sheffield sensation Louie Hinchliffe completed his singular emergence connected Saturday nighttime by winning nan 100metres astatine nan UK Championships to unafraid his spot successful Paris.

Two years agone astatine this Manchester meeting, nan little-known student sprinter did not moreover get retired of his 100m heat, while past twelvemonth he did not compete present astatine all.

However, Hinchliffe's profession has transformed since he moved to nan University of Houston to beryllium coached by nine-time Olympic golden medallist Carl Lewis past August.

And pinch nan American icon cheering him connected from nan stands astatine nan Manchester Regional Arena, nan 21-year-old showed he is simply a prima successful his ain correct arsenic he became nan British champion for nan first time.

On a slow, bedewed way and into a headwind, Hinchliffe surged to triumph successful nan British Olympic tests successful a clip of 10.18sec, punching nan aerial arsenic he crossed nan statement 0.07sec clear of second-placed Jeremiah Azu.

Louie Hinchcliffe has secured his spot astatine nan Paris Olympics this summertime aft winning nan 100m astatine nan UK Championships

Hinchcliffe was shouted connected by Atheltics fable Carl Lewis (left), who is now his coach

Hinchcliffe moved to nan University of Houston successful August to activity pinch Lewis, and his profession has since taken off

With some Hinchliffe and Azu having already deed nan Olympic qualifying clip of 10sec this season, they are now guaranteed their Team GB spots erstwhile selectors meet connected Monday.

While Zharnel Hughes, nan British grounds holder and world bronze medallist, is group to beryllium fixed nan 3rd discretionary spot aft being handed a aesculapian exemption to miss this gathering arsenic he recovers from injury.

All eyes, though, will now beryllium connected really Hinchliffe fares successful France, pinch Lewis already tipping him to scope nan last and spell connected to go 'one of nan top sprinters Britain's ever had'.

A erstwhile Yorkshire inferior golfer, he was classed a lowly 11th successful nan state past twelvemonth pinch a champion of 10.16sec. But he changeable to prominence erstwhile he ran a wind-assisted 9.84sec successful May, past became nan first European to triumph nan US collegiate title earlier this period successful 9.95sec, earlier being crowned nationalist champion past night.

Earlier, Keely Hodgkinson reached Sunday's 400m last aft finishing 2nd successful her power successful 52:06sec.

The Wigan runner opted to driblet down successful region from her master 800m event, which she is already guaranteed her Olympic spot successful arsenic nan world metallic medallist.

But Hodgkinson wants to triumph 2 medals successful Paris by making it connected to Britain's 4x400m relay team.

'The relay is an purpose for me,' she admitted. 'If I tin get successful that apical six, possibly I've sewage a chance. It'll beryllium really nosy to beryllium a portion of.'

Hodgkinson's chances of winning golden successful nan 800m successful Paris were greatly enhanced this week erstwhile defending champion Athing Mu fell successful nan US tests and grounded to qualify.

Jeremiah Azu (right), who vanished 0.7seconds down Hinchcliffe, will besides spell to nan Olympics

Keely Hodgkinson, meanwhile, reached Sunday's 400m last aft finishing 2nd successful her power successful 52:06seconds

But Hodgkinson added: 'I was really gutted. It ruined my time nan different day. Paris won't beryllium nan aforesaid without her.

'You spot group hanging nan golden astir my cervix conscionable because she's not location but I don't deliberation it makes it immoderate easier without her. If anything, nan unit doubles for maine and there's still immoderate unthinkable girls to beat.'

Meanwhile, 1 of Britain's different Olympic golden badge hopes, Molly Caudery, sealed her spot successful Paris by easy defending her nationalist rod vault title pinch a champion clearance of 4.83m.

The world indoor champion came adjacent to breaking her ain British grounds – which she group past play – but conscionable missed retired pinch her 3rd effort of 4.93m.

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