Joe Alwyn shields his face with a baseball cap and sunglasses as he makes a low-key arrival in Milan after breaking silence on Taylor Swift split

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Joe Alwyn made a low-key presence successful Milan, Italy ahead of Fashion Week on Sunday aft breaking his soundlessness connected his daze divided from Taylor Swift.

The actor, 33, shielded his look pinch a shot headdress and sunglasses arsenic he arrived astatine his edifice and chatted to a group of group outside. 

While speaking about his past narration for nan first clip this week, Joe, who is notoriously backstage astir his individual life, described his clip pinch nan popular star, 34, as 'long, loving' and 'fully committed' in an question and reply pinch The Sunday Times Style. 

He was each smiles pursuing his presence successful Italy's manner capital, opting for a casual oversized cardigan and a plain achromatic T-shirt. 

Joe completed his relaxed ensemble pinch a brace of navy bluish trousers and immoderate chunky trainers. 

Joe Alwyn, 33,  made a low-key presence successful Milan, Italy connected Sunday up of Fashion Week aft breaking his soundlessness connected his daze divided from Taylor Swift

The character shielded his look pinch a shot headdress and sunglasses arsenic he arrived astatine his edifice and chatted to a group of group outside

The Mary Queen of Scots prima discussed his spit from world superstar Taylor this connected Saturday, 14-months aft it was first revealed. 

When asked if he listened to her latest album, The Tortured Poets Department, which is rumoured to beryllium astir their breakup, he said: 'In reasoning connected what I was going to say, I would deliberation and dream that anyone and everyone tin empathise… This isn’t a nonstop reply to your question, but conscionable reasoning astir what I want to talk about.

'I would dream that anyone and everyone tin empathise and understand nan difficulties that travel pinch nan extremity of a long, loving, afloat committed narration of complete six and a half years,' Joe continued. 

The Conversations pinch Friends prima proceeded to admit that nan extremity of their semipermanent narration has been 'a difficult point to navigate.'

Taylor is still yet to speak publically astir nan break-up, but has since moved connected pinch NFL prima Travis Kelce.

Her only comments person travel done song, pinch respective tracks connected The Tortured Poets Department understood to beryllium astir Joe.

In 1 peculiar track, LOML, Taylor heartbreakingly sings: 'I wish we could callback really we almost had it all...' 

Last twelvemonth successful April, it was confirmed that Swift and Alwyn had officially gone their abstracted ways aft making love for six years. The songstress has since moved connected pinch Kansas City Chiefs tight end, Travis Kelce.

While speaking astir his past relationship, Joe, who is notoriously backstage astir his individual life, described his clip pinch nan popular star, 34, arsenic 'long, loving' and 'fully committed' (pictured pinch Taylor successful 2020)

He was each smiles pursuing his presence successful Italy's manner capital, opting for a casual oversized cardigan and a plain achromatic T-shirt

Joe completed his relaxed ensemble pinch a brace of navy bluish trousers 

The Mary Queen of Scots prima discussed his spit from world superstar Taylor this connected Saturday, 14-months aft it was first revealed

When asked if he listened to her latest album, he said: 'In reasoning connected what I was going to say, I would deliberation and dream that anyone and everyone tin empathise'

He added: 'I would dream that everyone tin understand nan difficulties that travel pinch nan extremity of a long, loving, afloat committed narration of complete six and a half years'

The Conversations pinch Friends prima proceeded to admit that nan extremity of their semipermanent narration has been 'a difficult point to navigate'

While attending nan Grammy Awards earlier this month, she notably won nan awards for some Best Pop Vocal Album and Album of nan Year for Midnights.

Accepting her first grant of nan nighttime for Pop Vocal Album, nan prima notably announced that she would beryllium dropping her adjacent medium titled: The Tortured Poets Department.

After nan astonishment revelation, fans were quickly convinced that nan title of nan medium was successful reference to Alwyn.  

Back successful 2022, nan character explained that he was portion of a WhatsApp group chat pinch adjacent pals Paul Mescal and Andrew Scott called The Tortured Man Club.

Following nan medium announcement, a root told that Alwyn feels it would beryllium 'shady' if Taylor dissed him successful The Tortured Poets Department.

'Joe has not said 1 connection astir Taylor aliases their breakup and has been wholly respectful of her,' an insider told exclusively. 'It's undeniable that nan sanction of her upcoming medium is successful reference to Joe's WhatsApp group chat.'

The root continued: 'Taylor knocked him for nan sanction of this erstwhile they were together. She didn't want group to deliberation that it had thing to do pinch her, truthful erstwhile he said retired astir it, she was, of course, bothered.'

Taylor is still yet to speak publically astir nan break-up, but has since moved connected pinch NFL prima Travis Kelce (pictured successful February)  

The insider continued: 'Joe has nary logic to judge yet that she is going to diss him aliases their relationship.

'She writes astir her past utilizing codification and points of reference. It whitethorn conscionable beryllium that she is reflecting connected their clip together and he is hoping it is thing more.

'If it is simply a diss album, that is shady. He helped her pinch opus penning connected her past medium truthful it will really travel arsenic a daze to him if she talks astir their breakup, arsenic it is thing he has not spoken of astatine all.'

The root finished: 'Regardless of what she does, he will still not respond because he has removed himself from her communicative and is very glad, he did.'

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