Christina Applegate announces daughter Sadie, 13, was diagnosed with POTS

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Christina Applegate has revealed that her 13-year-old girl has been diagnosed pinch POTS.

The “Dead to Me” star’s daughter, Sadie, opened up astir her information connected Tuesday’s section of Applegate’s “MeSsy” podcast, saying she has newfound communal crushed pinch her mom, who is living pinch aggregate sclerosis.

“I person thing called POTS,” Sadie shared. “I person nary hint what it really is, but it’s thing to do pinch nan autonomic tense strategy and it affects my heart. When I guidelines up, I get really, really dizzy and my legs get really anemic and I consciousness for illustration I’m going to walk out.”

Christina Applegate has revealed that her 13-year-old girl Sadie has been diagnosed pinch POTS. Getty Images for ABA

POTS — formally known arsenic postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome — is erstwhile your bosom complaint increases quickly aft getting up from sitting aliases lying down, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.

It’s a chronic upset that affects nan autonomic tense strategy and humor circulation and could lead to tremors, nausea, and fainting.

Sadie revealed that while she only precocious received her diagnosis, she’s been surviving pinch nan information for a while.

The “Married…With Children” alum, 52, said she “hates” that her girl has to acquisition nan chronic disorder.

“I dislike it for you my darling. I really dislike it for you,” Applegate said. “I’m sad. But I emotion you and I cognize you’re going to beryllium OK. And I’m present for you and I judge you. And convey you for bringing this to ray and awareness.”

Sadie revealed that while she only precocious received her diagnosis, she’s been surviving pinch nan information for a while. Getty Images

Sadie — whom Applegate shares pinch her husband, Martyn LeNoble — recalled leaving her sixth-grade classes to sojourn nan caregiver “multiple times a day.”

“In class, if I were to guidelines up then, I would beryllium like, ‘I person to spell to nan nurse. I can’t do this.’ Or I’ll beryllium successful PE, and I’ll beryllium like, ‘I person to spell to nan nurse,’” she said.

“They were like, ‘You’re doing this to get retired of class. It’s astir apt conscionable anxiety. Go backmost to class.’ They wouldn’t do thing for it.”

Applegate was diagnosed pinch MS successful 2021. WireImage

“Them not doing thing astir it decidedly wounded maine physically and emotionally,” she continued. “Because I was conscionable like, ‘This is rude and I consciousness sick and you’re telling maine to spell to PE and tally laps astir nan shot field. I can’t do that.’”

Applegate — who was diagnosed pinch MS successful 2021 — admitted that she was initially dismissive of her daughter’s symptoms.

“She wears layers of apparel connected 90-degree days and she hates PE — sorry school, not a large instrumentality of PE aliases beingness things,” Applegate said.

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“I was like, ‘Oh, I benignant of felt that measurement too.’ I consciousness truthful horrible that we didn’t salary attraction to it.”

“I conscionable didn’t spot it astatine home, babe. At location you were fine. But it’s benignant of for illustration us,” Applegate went on.

“We get retired successful nan world, and nan stresses and nan worry of nan world bring upon our symptoms overmuch worse than they would beryllium if we were successful nan information and nan coolness of our ain homes.”

The character admitted that she was initially dismissive of her daughter’s symptoms. AFP via Getty Images

After gaining immoderate clarity connected her condition, Sadie said it’s helped her to “understand what my mom’s going through.”

“Like, erstwhile my mom’s like, ‘Oh, I’m benignant of successful symptom correct now. Oh, I’m having tremors.’ If I didn’t person this, I astir apt would beryllium like, ‘I don’t really care. I don’t cognize what you’re talking about,'” she added.

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