Jack Tweed is set to be a dad for the first time as he announces girlfriend Ellie Sargeant is pregnant - 15 years after his wife Jade Goody's death

Trending 2 days ago

By Milly Veitch For Mailonline

Published: 12:33 EDT, 2 July 2024 | Updated: 12:53 EDT, 2 July 2024

Jade Goody's widower Jack Tweed has revealed he is going to beryllium a father, aft announcing his woman Ellie Sargeant is pregnant, 15 years aft his first wife's death. 

Jack, 36, tied nan knot successful a very affectional wedding ceremonial pinch Jade - who was 27 astatine nan clip - a period earlier she died from cervical cancer in March 2009.

Before her crab diagnosis, nan mates had been expecting a child, but nan Big Brother star tragically suffered a miscarriage.

Now 15 years later, Jack joyfully revealed that he will yet go a dada connected Tuesday, pinch his long-time partner Ellie presently 8 weeks pregnant.

The mates met successful 2022 done communal friends successful Essex, and went nationalist pinch their narration successful September of nan aforesaid year.

Jade Goody 's widower Jack Tweed has revealed he is going to beryllium a father, aft announcing his woman Ellie Sargeant is pregnant, 15 years aft his first wife's decease (pictured) 

Jack, 36, tied nan knot successful a very affectional wedding ceremonial pinch Jade - who was 27 astatine nan clip - a period earlier she died from cervical crab successful March 2009 (pictured together)

Jack gushed that he had ever wanted kids and said he believed that Jade would person been 'buzzing' for him, because she had ever thought he would beryllium a awesome father.

He was stepfather to Jade's 2 sons from her erstwhile narration pinch Jeff Brazier - Bobby, 21, and Freddie, 19, but admitted that he had ever wanted children of his own.

But contempt nan joyous news, Jack confessed that nan nonaccomplishment of his first kid pinch Jade still weighs connected him.

Speaking to The Sun, he said: 'Obviously that was horrible, because I evidently loved Jade to absolute pieces, and I was truthful excited we were having a kid together. 

'And have, like, a due family, cos evidently I cognize we had Bobby and Freddie, but they wasn't my kids. I still treated them for illustration my ain kids, but it conscionable felt for illustration it was complete successful nan family benignant of thing.

'And past evidently it didn't happen, so, yeah, it was not a very bully time. So it is simply a spot scary to deliberation thing for illustration that could hap again. Hopefully not.'

He described really Ellie had told him nan news, explaining she had fixed him a container pinch a babygrow that read: 'I emotion my Daddy'.

Jack said he was fresh to clasp a caller section successful his life aft suffering from slump and turning to intoxicant aft Jade's death.

He admitted he had struggled to move connected aft losing his woman and 'always felt guilty', but had yet 'accepted it' and realised that Jade would want nan aforesaid thing.

He said: 'I deliberation conscionable everything astir maine has benignant of grown up. Like erstwhile you're younger you attraction what a batch of group think, and deliberation I don't want to do that because everyone's going to deliberation I'm an a****hole and consciousness for illustration I'm doing thing incorrect connected Jade.

'But you yet conscionable get past everything, don't you? And conscionable I request to make myself happy. I can't conscionable support shutting myself distant from everyone.'

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