Sean Stewart is 'divorcing' wife Jody Weintraub and already dating a blonde beauty... one year after he shocked dad Rod Stewart with Vegas elopement

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Sean Stewart is divorcing his woman of 1 year, TV shaper Jody Weintraub, who is nan girl of nan precocious Ocean's Eleven shaper Jerry Weintraub.

A root tells that Sean and Jody person been separated already for 'several months' and are now moving connected nan divorce.

'They were doing truthful good for truthful agelong but past things went haywire earlier this year,' nan root tells

'They realized they were not a fresh for each different aft they started to conflict a batch complete mundane things.'

And Sean - who is nan 43-year-old boy of stone prima Rod Stewart and exemplary Alan Stewart - has already moved on.

'He is making love this very basking blonde beauty, they person really deed it off. She has her ain business and is very independent,' added nan source. 'They person been going connected dates successful Malibu.'

Sean Stewart is divorcing his woman of 1 year, TV shaper Jody Weintraub, who is nan girl of nan precocious Ocean's Eleven shaper Jerry Weintraub. Seen pinch Jody and his begetter Rod Stewart

A root tells that Sean and Jody person been separated already for 'several months' and are now moving connected nan divorce. Seen successful 2023

In February 2023, Sean - whose champion friend is Kourtney Kardashian's ex Scott Disick - shocked his family by announcing he had married Weintraub successful Sin City.

The elopement was thought to beryllium 'spur of nan moment.' 

They wed on Valentine's Day, pinch Sean proposing during a romanticist repast astatine Catch and nan mates making things charismatic conscionable hours later. 

The pair, who person known each different since precocious school, are said to person tied nan knot astatine Little Church of nan West while clad successful their normal clothing. 

They met done a communal pal, shaper Courtenay Semel. Jody has a boy from her first marriage. 

Alana was Rod's first wife, and they joined successful 1979, but they divided 5 years later. As good arsenic Sean, nan mates stock girl Kimberly, 43.

Alana was besides joined to character George Hamilton.

'They were doing truthful good for truthful agelong but past things went haywire earlier this year,' nan root tells 'They realized they were not a fresh for each other' 

The mates tied nan knot successful Las Vegas connected Valentine's Day, pinch Sean proposing during a romanticist repast astatine Catch (pictured pinch Rod past year) 

 Jody is nan girl of precocious Hollywood shaper Jerry Weintraub (pictured successful 2013) 

Alana and Rod - who joined successful 1979 and divided 5 years later pictured successful 2019 pinch Rod's caller woman Penny Lancaster, left

This comes after Sean has mislaid a stunning 40lbs complete nan past six months acknowledgment to moving retired daily.

The erstwhile reality TV prima shared pinch that he wakes up arsenic early arsenic 4 americium to commencement lifting weights.

'I get up ace early to get it done and past spell for a agelong walk,' nan Sons Of Hollywood prima revealed. 'Of course, later successful nan time I do return a nap, truthful I americium not slumber deprived.

'There is thing amended than getting a workout done very early successful nan time truthful you conscionable get it complete pinch and disconnected your mind.'

Stewart besides said that he was tired of emotion bigger and wanted to slim down for nan summer.

'He is making love this very basking blonde beauty, they person really deed it off. She has her ain business and is very independent,' added nan source

Stewart has mislaid a stunning 40lbs complete nan past six months acknowledgment to moving retired daily 

'It's not comfortable having weight connected you, it feels awful, and slows you down. So I decided to yet do thing astir it.'

He besides changed his fare a bit.

Instead of sliders aliases calamari, he opts for shrimp cocktails: 'I person trim backmost connected carbs a bit, but I don't spell crazy.

'I mean, I can't unrecorded without my atom successful sushi! Right? I emotion sushi and will not springiness that up.' 

He besides wanted to lose weight for his caller TV show which he is shooting nan first episode, called nan 'pilot' for. 

The show will besides item his profession arsenic a designer of his marque Dirty Weekend.

'There is besides a attraction connected his business, which has taken off, he is nan designer of Dirty Weekend which makes pajamas and different things. It has a large personage following.'

The caller show will beryllium portion reality, statement comedy, and has been pegged a 'comedy ensemble show' has learned.

Sean is seen near successful his Dirty Weekend pajamas pinch his dada successful nan aforesaid design, right

Sean is nan manner designer down nan casual marque Dirty Weekend which Disick from The Kardashians is simply a instrumentality of. 

They make hoodies and aquatics trunks and are soon coming retired pinch bikinis. 

His partner connected Dirty Weekend is Hector Marquez. 

The designs person a very nosy Eighties Miami Vice consciousness pinch thenar trees and sunsets.

'It was truthful overmuch nosy creating this brand, I had a awesome clip and location is truthful overmuch much to come,' said Sean. 'I americium very happy pinch nan measurement things are looking and really group are reacting to nan designs.

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