IShowSpeed is stunned into silence by Cristiano Ronaldo's penalty miss against Slovakia... before having to endure fans taunting his tearful idol with Lionel Messi chants

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By Tum Balogun

Published: 18:23 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 18:23 EDT, 1 July 2024

Noted Cristiano Ronaldo super-fan IShowSpeed reacted successful dismay arsenic his idol missed an extra-time punishment against Slovenia. 

Roberto Martinez's broadside were pushed each nan measurement to a punishment shootout successful Frankfurt aft uncovering their opponent's defence intolerable to breach. 

However, successful nan 30 minutes of further time, Portugal were handed nan chance to advancement to nan quarter-final erstwhile Diogo Jota was felled successful nan box. 

Up stepped Ronaldo, hoping to break his duck successful nan tournament, but Atletico Madrid stopper Jan Oblak was adjacent to nan effort and produced a stunning save. 

Ronaldo fans everyplace were shocked to spot nan chance spell awry, nary much truthful than nan societal media influencer, who was - remarkably - stunned into silence. 

Jan Oblak made a superb dive to extremity Cristiano Ronaldo's powerful punishment onto nan station successful other time

Social media influencer IShowSpeed reacted successful amazement arsenic his idol missed nan chance to springiness Portugal nan lead

The American besides had to strengthen spectators taunting Ronaldo pinch chants of 'Messi, Messi, Messi'

'I person ne'er successful my life seen him miss a penalty,' Speed said aft regaining his composure. 'I person ne'er successful my life seen him miss a penalty.'

His remarks hardly drowned retired nan chants of 'Messi, Messi, Messi', which could beryllium heard from spectators successful nan instrumentality parkland wherever he watched nan action. 

After his miss from nan spot, Ronaldo was incapable to support his emotions successful cheque aft nan effort and burst into tears arsenic Roberto Martinez rallied his squad for a squad talk.

The 39-year-old cried passionately arsenic he was consoled by team-mates aft his miss arsenic Portugal attempted to rally for nan second-half of other clip against Slovenia.

Ronaldo had antecedently only missed 29 of his 192 profession penalties, pinch Monday marking his first since being denied successful Man United's FA Cup punishment shootout against Middlesbrough successful 2022.

The Al-Nassr striker couldn't incorporate his emotions arsenic nan referee blew for nan break pursuing Ronaldo's sensational miss and collapsed down successful tears during iconic scenes.

Portugal stars surrounded Ronaldo and attempted to calm him down knowing their Euro 2024 destiny was connected nan line.

Man United full-back Diogo Dalot attempted to console Ronaldo and pulled him speech while uttering words of comfortableness and trying to thief nan squad skipper regain composure.

Ronaldo collapsed down successful tears aft missing a punishment against Slovenia successful nan Euro 2024 last-16 tie

Meanwhile, Ronaldo's mum, Maria, was seen crying successful nan stands arsenic she watched connected helplessly from nan stands arsenic her boy sewage play backmost underway.

Luckily for Martinez's side, they were capable to clasp their nervus successful nan shootout and precocious to nan quarter-final, wherever they will meet France connected Friday. 

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