Didi Hamann insists potential Jude Bellingham ban for his x-rated gesture would be a 'BLESSING' as Liverpool cult hero criticises the England star's behaviour - including his 'who else' celebration' - ahead of final UEFA decision

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By Ed Carruthers

Published: 18:14 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 18:28 EDT, 3 July 2024

Dietmar Hamann has claimed that a imaginable prohibition for Jude Bellingham, pursuing his X-rated motion aft England's melodramatic triumph against Slovakia, would beryllium a 'blessing for Gareth Southgate'.

The 21-year-old midfielder, who scored a sunning over-head footwear equaliser successful nan 95th infinitesimal of England's past 16 necktie against Slovakia connected Sunday, is presently nether investigation by UEFA aft he appeared to drawback his genitals arsenic he celebrated his goal.

Mail Sport reported connected Tuesday that UEFA had written to nan Real Madrid midfielder asking him to explicate nan action and gave nan England prima 3 days to respond, pinch nan Real Madrid prima having antecedently stated connected X (formerly Twitter) that nan motion was an 'inside joke towards immoderate adjacent friends who were astatine nan game.'

Despite his heroics connected Sunday, immoderate person raised concerns complete nan England star's performances astatine Euro 2024, pinch some, including Hamann, claiming that Bellingham has not been up to scratch, and should beryllium dropped, on pinch Phil Foden and Harry Kane.

However, it remains unclear whether Bellingham will person a prohibition for nan gesture, pinch nan midfielder group to study his destiny anterior to England's crunch quarter-final conflict against Switzerland connected Saturday. 

But erstwhile Germany international, Hamann, 50, has insisted that should Bellingham person a ban, it mightiness travel arsenic a 'blessing' for England head Gareth Southgate, who has been scrutinised for his squad selections of late.

'Gareth Southgate should person made nan determination earlier to return retired Bellingham aliases Phil Foden,' he said to BILD.

'Now he whitethorn beryllium forced to beryllium fortunate if Bellingham is suspended. If he has to beryllium out, that mightiness moreover beryllium a blessing. That mightiness moreover thief nan team. Something has to happen.'

The erstwhile protect midfielder, who won 59 caps for Germany, besides took purpose astatine Bellingham's behaviour. 

After nan England prima had scored his sensational over-head kick, he had shouted 'Who else?' to fans successful nan stadium, a ceremony that nan erstwhile Liverpool and Bayern Munich prima did not like.

'I don't for illustration his behaviour,' Hamann said. 'There was his connection 2 and a half years agone successful Dortmund astir referee Felix Zwayer, wherever he sewage distant pinch a fine, but successful my opinion, should person been banned.'

In December 2021, Bellingham had criticised Zwayer aft Borussia Dortmund had suffered a 3-2 conclusion by Bayern Munich. The erstwhile Dortmund prima stated: 'You springiness a referee who has postponed games earlier nan biggest crippled successful Germany. What do you expect?'

Bellingham antecedently stated that his 'who else' ceremony was down to 'the adrenaline rush' he knowledgeable aft scoring that sensational over-head kick. 

'It's a emotion that is for illustration nary other,' Bellingham said during a property convention aft nan match, speaking connected his stunning equaliser. 'In world football, successful knockout football, it's moreover a worse feeling, because you're 30 seconds from going home, having to perceive to each nan rubbish, emotion for illustration you person fto a federation of group down.

'In 1 footwear of nan ball, everything tin change. It's a emotion I don't for illustration to person but erstwhile it's done, it feels great.'

But Hamann added: 'Without your colleagues you are thing - and if he past stands up and says that, past I would beryllium willing to perceive what his teammates say. Apart from his goals, he was not seen successful nan first 4 games. I would hold and spot wherever he is successful 2 aliases 3 years. We don't request to talk astir nan truth that he is simply a talented player, but immoderate things person happened that you shouldn't do.'

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