Gisele Bundchen steps out with her dogs in Miami after a romantic Costa Rica getaway with boyfriend Joaquim Valente

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Gisele Bundchen was accompanied by her 2 four-legged friends connected her greeting locomotion successful Miami.

The supermodel stepped retired pinch her German Shepherd, Alfie, and achromatic and achromatic pooch, Fluffy, who she adopted successful 2016 pinch ex Tom Brady.

Gisele kept it casual, sporting a achromatic vessel top, grey pants, and sneakers. She wore her hairsbreadth successful a braid pinch a shot cap. 

At 1 point, nan 43-year-old kissed her littlest canine arsenic she strolled down nan street. 

Gisele's time retired successful nan 305 comes connected nan heels of a romantic getaway to Costa Rica pinch her boyfriend Joaquim Valente. 

Gisele Bundchen stepped retired pinch her large, brown, canine connected a leash and her mini black-and-white dog, Fluffy, successful her different hand

The mates enjoyed value clip together, pinch nan Calvin Klein exemplary wearing a strapless bikini and achromatic denim shorts while nan jiu-jitsu coach went shirtless and donned camouflage aquatics trunks.

Gisele was joined by her and ex-husband Tom Brady's 2 kids, girl Vivian, 11, and boy Benjamin, 14.

Joaquim was photographed playing pinch nan kids successful nan soil arsenic nan erstwhile Victoria’s Secret Angel looked on.

Their latest picnic whitethorn yet put divided rumors to remainder aft reports that Gisele and Joaquim called things off owed to nan scrutiny pursuing The Roast of Tom Brady.

At nan time, galore jokes told astatine nan Netflix roast were aimed astatine her romance pinch Joaquim.

An insider claimed to InTouch Weekly that nan 'spotlight was excessively much' for nan trainer, who was Gisele's jiu-jitsu coach earlier things turned romantic.

'Joaquim’s a regular guy,' nan root continued. 'He’s not utilized to each nan attraction he was getting.'

The martial arts coach 'became portion of nan joke' during nan Netflix special- which he didn't admit successful nan slightest.

Gisele and Joaquim were first linked pursuing her 2022 divorcement from nan legendary NFL star. 

The 43-year-old kept it casual, sporting a achromatic vessel top, grey pants, and sneakers. At 1 point, nan exemplary kissed her littlest canine arsenic she strolled down nan street

'People really started asking him if he was nan logic for their divorce,” nan root told nan outlet. 'He hated that.'

At 1 constituent during nan roast, comedian Nikki Glaser joked, 'How overmuch would it suck for Tom … omg, conscionable knowing your ex-wife’s caller fellow could hit your a-- while eating hers.'

And the cookbook writer reportedly put partial blasted connected nan erstwhile quarterback.

'By agreeing to do nan roast, he fundamentally put a target connected Joaquim’s back,' nan insider concluded.

Despite weeks of speculation, Gisele and nan fittingness guru are connected bully terms, pinch a root telling People last period that nan duo person a adjacent narration but not a 'serious emotion affair.'

Along pinch a caller romance, nan Brazilian runway exemplary has besides recovered a caller consciousness of self.

The author's time retired successful nan 305 comes connected nan heels of a romanticist getaway to Costa Rica pinch her fellow Joaquim Valente - a period aft divided rumors circulated

The runway prima has spoken retired astir nan self-love she has recovered aft divorcing Tom Brady successful 2022: 'I look into my life and I wouldn’t person it immoderate different way. I wouldn't person immoderate different life'

A 2nd insider told nan outlet that Gisele has 'blossomed' since her divorcement from Tom. 

'She is unafraid and happy,' nan root elaborated, 'and truthful engaged pinch her life that she doesn’t person clip to dwell connected nan negatives retired there.'

Gisele herself has spoken retired astir nan self-love she has recovered aft being azygous for nan first clip successful 13 years. 

'I look into my life and I wouldn’t person it immoderate different way,' nan wellness ambassador told CBS Sunday Morning last year. 'I wouldn't person immoderate different life.'

'I mean, it’s not what I dreamed of and what I hoped for,' Gisele added astir her matrimony ending. 'My parents person been joined for 50 years, and I really wanted that to happen. But I deliberation you person to accept, you know, sometimes that nan measurement you are successful your 20s, it’s sometimes you turn together, sometimes you turn apart.' 

But sloppy of their romanticist narration ending, nan activistic and Tom will ever beryllium family. 

The erstwhile Victoria Secret's Angel revealed what keeps her calm and grounded passim life's tests and tribulations: 'I activity retired each day'

The wellness ambassador and legendary backmost stock girl Vivian, 11, and boy Benjamin, 14

'He’s nan begetter of my kids,' Gisele explained. 'So I ever wish him nan best, and I’m truthful grateful that he gave maine awesome children, and I deliberation erstwhile a doorway shuts, different doors open.'

The prima added that she’s successful a 'different place' successful her life these days - 1 wherever she prioritizes her ain desires. 

'I deliberation earlier I was much surviving,' Gisele admitted, 'and now I’m living, which is different.'

As for what keeps nan Nourish writer calm and grounded passim life's tests and tribulations? 

'I activity retired each day,' Gisele told People in 2023, which includes a operation of walks, yoga and weights.

She has continued to study nan value of prioritizing herself, aliases arsenic Gisele worded it, 'Put nan oxygen disguise connected you first.'

'No 1 is going to do it for you,' she continued to nan outlet. 'The only personification that's going to make those choices is you. Because ultimately, you're nan first personification who's going to beryllium impacted by it. But then, it's your children, it's your husband, it's your family.'

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