Jackie 'O' Henderson sparks concern she has called time on her Besties business venture as she shares poignant farewell post

Trending 2 days ago

Jackie 'O' Henderson has sparked interest that she has called clip connected her Besties business venture.

The power host, 49, and her champion friend and business partner Gemma O'Neill started nan institution past twelvemonth to big exclusive events and backstage holidays.

But nan duo person sparked disorder among fans that they are bringing their broadside hustle to an extremity arsenic they shared a farewell station during their European holiday.

Jackie took to nan Besties charismatic Instagram page to stock immoderate poignant words astir 'new beginnings' and thanked fans 'for being portion of our journey'.

While nan station was only referring to nan extremity of their Europe trip, it sparked disorder astir their business' early arsenic they wrote astir their travel 'coming to an end'.

Alongside a video of them some dancing, they penned: 'As our unforgettable travel comes to an end, we are beyond grateful for each different and nan unthinkable Besties community. 

'From London to Mykonos, Glastonbury to nan southbound of France, this girls travel was a existent ceremony of friendship.

'No rituals aliases tarot cards this time—just axenic joyousness and soul peace. Dancing and laughing endlessly are memories we'll cherish forever.

Jackie 'O' Henderson has sparked interest that she has called clip connected her Besties business task arsenic she shared a station about their travel 'coming to an end'

'This travel marked a important breakthrough for us, arsenic we yet recovered nan soul bid we had been seeking for years. We learned to spot our intuition and clasp nan coming moment.

'Thank you, Besties, for being portion of our journey. Here's to friendship, caller beginnings, and endless possibilities!'

The station caused disorder successful nan comments conception arsenic immoderate fans seemed to misunderstand and deliberation they were discussing nan business arsenic a whole.

They were speedy to time off gushing messages of support for nan Besties business, contempt nan truth nan station was simply referring to nan extremity of their European trip.

Using nan past tense, 1 instrumentality wrote: 'Loved watching your journey,' while different said: 'It's been truthful nosy to watch.'

The power host, 49, and her champion friend and business partner Gemma O'Neill started nan business past twelvemonth to big exclusive events and backstage holidays for prime fans

But nan duo sparked disorder that they are bringing their broadside hustle to an extremity arsenic they shared a farewell station marking nan extremity of their European vacation - pinch nan wording confusing fans

'Have loved pursuing your adventures, what an unthinkable trip,' a 3rd added.

Daily Mail Australia has contacted Besties for comment.

Jackie and Gemma person been travelling successful Europe for almost a month, spending clip successful Europe earlier jetting complete to Mykonos, Greece.

They past headed complete to France to be nan wedding of Alexander Porter - whose family owns Australian condom marque Four Seasons - and his partner Chris Ledlin.

The champion friends are soon group to recreation backmost Down Under aft taking their events and holidays business to Europe, wherever they person been engaged sightseeing and partying.

Jackie started her Besties business pinch Gemma past year and said it 'celebrates nan astir important narration successful your life - your champion friend'.

Besties is an events business which sells experiences for 'best friends' to create memories together, while they besides launched a statement of branded clothing successful October

It is an events business which sells experiences for 'best friends' to create memories together, while they besides launched a statement of branded clothing successful October.

Gemma precocious denied that nan brace mislaid money connected their Besties arena hosted by Gwyneth Paltrow successful October.

The speaking engagement saw nan A-list Hollywood character and Goop laminitis alert to Sydney for a one-night appearance.

Despite having a Hollywood drawcard, nan event, which was held astatine nan ICC theatre, was only half-full - but Gemma insisted that was deliberate. 

'Look, we're not master events group and we are very caller to this game, but we are really proud of nan truth we wanted to do it and are having a crack,' she told The Daily Telegraph astatine nan time.

Gemma precocious denied that nan brace mislaid money connected their Besties arena hosted by Gwyneth Paltrow successful October arsenic she gave an penetration into their business venture 

'The ICC is nan only venue that offered much than 2000 capacity. You tin book it for afloat capacity aliases half-full. We booked for half capacity and sold conscionable nether half 4000 seats.'

Gwyneth's fee was estimated astatine betwixt $150,000 and $500,000, and tickets for nan arena started from $100 and went up to $2,500 for VIP access. 

She besides denied that a four-day Kokomo Island travel successful December hosted by Besties had a mediocre response, aliases that a 2nd travel to Fiji slated for September this twelvemonth was cancelled for deficiency for interest.

A three-day Southern Highlands getaway scheduled for March has sold out, she claimed.

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