Former New York Giants star and NFL Pro Bowler Greg Larson dead at 84

Trending 2 days ago
  • Greg Larson was named among nan Giants' apical 100 players of all-time past month
  • The NFL lineman turned golfer died successful June pinch his woman of 63 years by his side 

By Ben Nagle

Published: 01:10 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 01:10 EDT, 3 July 2024

The New York Giants are mourning nan nonaccomplishment of erstwhile Pro Bowl halfway Greg Larson, pursuing his decease astatine nan property of 84.

Larson played for nan Giants for 13 seasons and missed conscionable 3 games successful that time, and was precocious named among nan team's champion 100 players of all-time.

According to his obituary, Larson died successful June pinch his woman of 63 years by his side.

The ex-NFL lineman spent his second years astatine a elder surviving installation successful Plymouth, Minnesota - aft returning to his location authorities aft his career.

Larson joined Josephine Blegen - 'the emotion of his life' - successful 1961 and they had 4 children - Karin, Barton, Michael and Christopher - and 7 grandchildren.

Greg Larson has died astatine nan property of 84. In later life, he swapped nan NFL section for nan play course

Larson (wearing 53) was a personnel of nan New York Giants for 13 years and missed 3 games

Although he enjoyed a successful NFL career, it is noted that his passion later successful life was golf, and he won respective nine championships. 

For nan Giants, Larson played 179 games from 1961 to 1973, which astatine nan clip was nan second-most successful squad history down Joe Morrison.

Giants president John Mara precocious said astir Larson astatine nan team's 'Giants 100' event, noting: 'He was our leader, our skipper and 1 of nan astir celebrated players that we had.

'Just a awesome all-round individual. He really epitomized what it meant to beryllium a Giant successful that era.' 

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