Forte love! Italian tennis fan proposes to his girlfriend of 15 years on Centre Court at Wimbledon

Trending 3 days ago
  • The mates are based successful London and some tremendous tennis - and SW19 - fans
  • Annalisa Leoni believed that she was going to walk nan day connected nan Hill 
  • Centre Court has played big to a number of different proposals complete nan years 

By Tamara Prenn

Published: 10:19 EDT, 5 July 2024 | Updated: 10:19 EDT, 5 July 2024

Ahead of Friday afternoon's Centre Court schedule, nan iconic Wimbledon tribunal played big to a different benignant of memory-making arsenic a mates became engaged successful nan stands. 

Gabriele Pamboni stunned his woman of 15 years Annalisa Leoni erstwhile he sewage down connected 1 knee wrong nan quiet venue astatine 11.30am connected Friday morning, conscionable days aft nan mates celebrated their anniversary. 

Accepting pinch a shocked surprise, London-based Leoni was caught unawares aft her now-fiance had told her they were going to walk nan time connected Henman Hill. 

'We some emotion Wimbledon and we couldn’t find a amended spot for it,' Pamboni shared. 'Very typical time for some of us. 

'She had nary thought astir nan connection and thought we were going to watch nan tennis from nan Hill. It was super!' 

Gabriele Pamboni projected to his woman Annalisa Leoni connected Centre Court connected Friday

Both Pamboni and Leoni are avid tennis fans - but Pamboni had tricked his now-fiancee into reasoning she was spending nan time connected Henman Hill

The London-based mates celebrated their 15th day earlier this week connected Monday

The historical venue has been nan tract of a number of proposals complete nan years, but nary person arsenic notorious reknown arsenic nan connection sounded astatine Steffi Graf during her singles' semi-final against Kimiko Date successful 1996. 

The heavy dressed up German was preparing to service while battling for her seventh Wimbledon title erstwhile a personnel of nan crowd shouted out: 'Steffi, will you wed me?'

Taking nan connection successful bully humour, Graf responded: 'How overmuch money do you have?' 

Graf's elegant retort was greeted pinch laughter and cheers from nan crowd - and she went connected to declare nan title that year. 

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