Ex MasterChef judges Matt Preston and Gary Mehigan confirm they are working on a new project as they leave the Channel Seven offices - but where is George Calombaris?

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By Kinta Walsh-cotton For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 22:57 EDT, 24 June 2024 | Updated: 23:27 EDT, 24 June 2024

Matt Preston and Gary Mehigan confirmed they are moving connected a caller task connected Monday.

The former MasterChef Australia judges, who near nan Network Ten cooking title bid successful 2019, reunited astatine Channel Seven offices successful Sydney.

While it's unclear precisely which task nan nutrient critic, 62, and chef, 57, whitethorn person been discussing pinch Seven, Gary's rep confirmed to Daily Mail Australia they person galore caller projects successful nan works. 

'Gary and Matt are doing respective projects together. One being for Luxury Escapes, a bid of recreation tours,' a spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia connected Tuesday.

'First 2 sold retired successful 24 hours, India and Vietnam, and nan Sri Lanka circuit is astir to spell connected sale, pinch respective much successful nan readying pipeline now.'

Matt Preston, 62, (right) and Gary Mehigan, 57, (left) appeared to beryllium connected apical of nan world connected Monday arsenic nan erstwhile MasterChef Australia judges reunited astatine Channel Seven offices successful Sydney

The spokesperson went connected to opportunity Matt and Gary had precocious 'filmed an section for a bid successful India called nan Ultimate HomeChef Competition'.

Appearing connected nan finale of nan series, nan brace went backmost to their roots and acted arsenic judges for nan section which 'aired connected NatGeo India past weekend'. 

The duo were each smiles aft what appeared to beryllium a fruitful gathering pinch Seven, pinch Gary wildly gesticulated during a joyful speech pinch their entourage. 

The English-Australian cook and restaurateur donned a brace of beige slacks beneath a achromatic jumper and khaki overgarment to protect against nan cold.

After nan nutrient professional and cook near nan Network Ten cooking title bid successful 2019, nan duo appeared to person turned to rival Seven to activity connected a rumoured caller project

He past accessorised pinch a matching brace of boots and trendy achromatic frames arsenic he carried a ample achromatic container and wrapped a scarf astir his neck.

Meanwhile, co-star and friend Matt was garbed successful a elemental brace of bluish jeans pinch a achromatic button-up tucked into them.

He polished disconnected his smart look pinch a khaki vest and brownish dress shoes earlier draping a scarf complete his shoulders.    

Notably absent was George Calombaris, who erstwhile made up one-third of nan celebrated trio aft moving together for 10 years connected MasterChef Australia.

While it's unclear precisely which task Matt and Gary whitethorn person been discussing pinch Seven, a typical of Gary confirmed to Daily Mail Australia they person galore caller projects successful nan useful together 

However, nan spokesperson confirmed Matt and Gary would beryllium teaming up pinch their erstwhile co-star again soon. 

'They are besides moving connected a circuit successful India successful August pinch George for a institution called Conosh. A bid of dinners and masterclasses,' they said.

Matt, Gary and George were seen moving together arsenic precocious arsenic May erstwhile they reunited to support a very worthy cause. 

The seasoned TV judges took complete nan room astatine Hotel Sorrento connected nan Mornington Peninsula for the Friends of George arena to raise costs for Bowel Cancer Australia.

The spokesperson besides confirmed Matt and Gary will beryllium teaming up pinch their erstwhile MasterChef co-star George Calombaris, 45, (centre) for different task soon

The 3 erstwhile reality stars agreed to reunite for nan cause, successful support of George's precocious begetter Jim, who died of nan illness successful November past year. 

George, 45, admitted he felt an instant relationship pinch his erstwhile colleagues upon reuniting pinch them. 

'It's really nice, it's for illustration riding a motorcycle pinch these guys. We person immoderate awesome memories together,' he told nan Herald Sun at nan time.

'The aged cliché of being for illustration family is true. George's dada was a large portion of our family, nan full point is simply a community,' Matt added. 

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