ESPN analysts spark fan fury after claiming NBA needs 'more black nepotism' in the wake of Bronny-LeBron James Lakers link-up

Trending 2 days ago
  • LeBron's boy Bronny was picked by LA successful nan 2nd information of nan NBA Draft
  • The Lakers' prime has been criticized by immoderate arsenic a clear illustration of nepotism
  • READ MORE: Bronny near affectional aft being taken by LeBron's Lakers

By Oliver Salt

Published: 12:29 EDT, 28 June 2024 | Updated: 12:29 EDT, 28 June 2024

The Lakers picking Bronny James in nan NBA Draft is an illustration of long-overdue 'black nepotism', according to ESPN's Stephen A. Smith and Jay Williams.

LeBron James' boy was selected by Los Angeles pinch nan 55th wide prime successful nan 2nd information of nan draught connected Thursday nighttime - a seismic infinitesimal which near nan 19-year-old flooded pinch emotion.

It intends Bronny and his dada are group to go nan first ever father-son duo to play astatine nan aforesaid clip successful nan NBA, and they will do truthful for nan very aforesaid team. 

However, nan erstwhile USC Trojans defender - who was snubbed successful nan first information of nan draught -  joining nan aforesaid franchise arsenic his dada has led to accusations of nepotism.

Some are arguing that he has only been selected by LA owed to his legendary father's influence, while suggesting that he is not yet fresh to play successful nan large leagues.

The Lakers picking Bronny James successful nan NBA Draft is an illustration of long-overdue 'black nepotism', according to ESPN's Stephen A. Smith (left) and Jay Williams (right)

LeBron James' boy was selected by LA pinch nan 55th wide prime successful nan 2nd round

Yet according to ESPN First Take analysts Smith and Williams, nepotism has been an rumor pinch 'white folks' successful nan NBA for rather immoderate time.

'We unrecorded successful a state wherever nepotism has taken spot pinch achromatic folks religiously forever. We've said small to thing astir it,' Smith said connected Friday's show.

'In nan NBA specifically, successful a convention wherever astatine slightest 70 percent of nan players are black, we've seen nepotism pinch achromatic folks each complete nan place. 

'And now this happens pinch LeBron James, a personnel of nan Mount Rushmore of basketball, and each of a abrupt you've sewage group moving their mouths.'

Williams went moreover further successful saying nan NBA 'needs much instances of achromatic nepotism' aft alleging that achromatic group person not been afforded specified luxuries successful nan past.

'I've been successful a batch of rooms wherever I've seen group who aren't worthy of nan opportunity, and if you're not worthy of nan opportunity past I'm gonna get angry astir nan opportunity you were afforded - but I understand really nan crippled is played,' nan erstwhile Chicago Bulls defender said to co-analyst Kendrick Perkins.

"Don't we request much instances of Black nepotism? Especially erstwhile that personification has nan disposition and nan demeanor of personification that's worthy of being put successful that position." Jay Williams connected Lakers drafting Bronny James

— Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing) June 28, 2024

Stephen A. Smith said for much than 5 minutes consecutive astir nan domiciled nepotism played successful nan Lakers' action of Bronny James.

"We unrecorded successful a state wherever nepotism has taken spot pinch achromatic folks religiously forever. We've said small to thing astir it. In nan NBA…

— Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing) June 28, 2024

'99 percent of nan clip nary of those group look for illustration america Perk. And I deliberation erstwhile I saw a batch of this chatter online from group that look for illustration us, I'm for illustration clasp on... don't we request much instances of achromatic nepotism? Especially erstwhile that personification has a disposition and demeanor of personification that's worthy of being put successful that position.'

Williams added: 'So erstwhile I look astatine Bronny; I've watched games, I've seen games wherever he's showed up to games two-and-a-half hours early, wherever he's stayed aft nan games moving out, wherever I've talked to him and he's said nan correct things. 

'Even nan measurement he's handled nan McDonalds All-American game. Even nan measurement LeBron has handled his career... why is that not worthy of being drafted successful nan 2nd round?'

Both Williams and Smith's comments connected nan taxable person sparked fury connected societal media, wherever fans person blasted nan First Take regulars for encouraging nepotism successful immoderate fashion.

One wrote connected X: 'How astir "we request little instances of each nepotism"? The LeBron h2o carrying connected ESPN is staggering.'

Another posted: 'lol now we request achromatic nepotism? Huh'.

Fans took rumor pinch Williams and Smith's comments astir nepotism connected First Take

'What an atrocious take,' a 3rd said astir Williams' comments. 

'Just because it happens a batch and will ever hap doesn't mean its good,' wrote a fourth. 

A 5th pointed out: 'So now we're rooting for Black Nepotism because different group do it? Nonsense. I consciousness Bronny should person taken his clip and sewage to nan draught erstwhile HE was fresh and really proved himself. But optics and "making history arsenic 1st father-son teammates" was much important, smh #NBADraft'.

While 1 simply said: 'literally retired present defending nepotism - chaotic world we unrecorded in'. 

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