SPORTS AGENDA: Trent Alexander-Arnold hits back in £50,000 padel court row at his Cheshire home, Qatar fire shots at Germany... while police are left stretched in Gelsenkirchen

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Trent Alexander-Arnold has returned service successful a statement complete an unauthorised padel tribunal astatine his Cheshire home.

A £50,000 installation was built astatine nan bottommost of nan England defender’s plot without readying permission. And Alexander-Arnold, 25, could beryllium forced to demolish it.

The Liverpool man has agreed to tear down 4 floodlights and has hired landscapers to works trees and hedges and supply screening. However, nan parish assembly person raised objections complete sound astatine nan £5million mansion Alexander-Arnold bought from Chelsea winger Raheem Sterling successful 2022 — and they person been backed by nan Campaign to Protect Rural England.

Now, readying agents person deed backmost connected nan footballer’s behalf. They opportunity nan tribunal causes ‘no unacceptable harm to nan characteristic and quality of nan countryside’ and location is ‘therefore nary ground to garbage readying permission’. 

They besides constituent retired that nary objections person been made complete sound by nan council’s biology wellness department. A determination is owed later this period and location person truthful acold been nary objections from neighbours.

Trent Alexander-Arnold has deed backmost successful a £50,000 padel tribunal statement astatine his Cheshire home

Alexander-Arnold (right) built nan padel tribunal astatine nan bottommost of nan plot of nan location he purchased disconnected his erstwhile England team-mate Raheem Sterling (left) for £5million successful 2022

Qatar occurrence shots astatine Germany 

Qataris person wasted nary clip successful firing shots astatine Germany complete what they spot arsenic a flawed tournament. The Germans were among nan fiercest critics of hosting nan World Cup successful nan Arab authorities 2 years agone and media location are responding successful kind. 

They person highlighted myriad carrier issues, torrential rainfall drenching fans successful stadiums, excessive littering and fights betwixt fans arsenic problems that were not knowledgeable erstwhile they hosted nan World Cup.

Qataris person wasted nary clip successful firing shots astatine Germany complete what they spot arsenic a flawed tourney astatine Euro 2024, pinch Germany among nan fiercest critics of nan 2022 World Cup

Famous faces forced connected to rainy streets 

Not nan top of starts to Sunday for galore of those successful Germany to screen England. A meal occurrence siren astatine nan NH Hotel successful Essen sparked an removal and forced a big of celebrated names connected to nan rainy streets. 

The likes of Joe Hart, Mail Sport’s Martin Keown and Stephen Warnock struggled to find screen while 4 occurrence engines and constabulary raced to nan scene. 

If thing else, nan siren — triggered by a impermanent smoking successful their room — shifted supplier dealers who were utilizing nan area to peddle their wares. 

Joe Hart was among nan celebrated faces forced onto nan rainy streets aft an early occurrence alarm

Police stretched successful Gelsenkirchen

A engaged play for German constabulary successful Gelsenkirchen, pinch England playing Slovakia clashing pinch nan yearly convention of nan far-Right Alternative for Germany party.

Tens of thousands opposed to nan AfD gathered successful adjacent Essen, pinch officers drafted from crossed nan state to support nan peace. 

Two officers were kicked successful nan caput and earnestly injured amid convulsive scenes. The AfD came 2nd successful caller European elections, grabbing 16 per cent of nan vote. 

It was a engaged play for German constabulary successful Gelsenkirchen, pinch England's last-16 conflict against Slovakia clashing pinch nan yearly convention of nan far-Right Alternative for Germany party

Shreeves and Darke spot into nan future 

Geoff Shreeves and Ian Darke, some successful Germany for US broadcaster Fox, utilized their expertise to spot into nan early to triumph themselves a mates of glasses of reddish wine. 

The brace were successful nan Fox hub successful Cologne earlier Albania v Italy pinch a colleague, who declared that Italy would tally retired easy winners. The commentators remarked that Italy were notoriously slow starters and stake their workfellow that nan Albanians would people successful nan first 2 minutes. 

When that duly unfolded, their stunned co-worker headed to nan barroom to fetch their winnings. It was only aft taking a sip that Shreeves confessed nan provender they were watching was connected delay, and that they had seen nan extremity connected their phones nether nan array anterior to making nan wager. 

Geoff Shreeves and Ian Darke (not pictured) managed to triumph themselves a solid of reddish wine

Early Olympic gaffe for BBC 

The bungling BBC person travel nether occurrence for a mistake-laden preview of their Olympics coverage. 

The names of badge hopefuls Molly Caudery and Kye Whyte were some spelled incorrectly, Laura Kenny was quoted arsenic pronunciation her ain son’s sanction incorrect and Sky Brown was listed arsenic a chance successful surfing contempt not qualifying for nan event. 

The bungling BBC person travel nether occurrence for a mistake-laden preview of their Olympics coverage, which included badge hopeful Kye Whyte (pictured) seeing his sanction spelt wrong 

Euro 2024 group shape goes green 

UEFA opportunity nan group stages brought a 75 per cent alteration successful flights taken by participating teams compared to 2016, pinch much sides utilizing buses and trains. 

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