Emotional moment Angel Reese CRIES after finding out she made WNBA All-Star team

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By Emily Selleck

Published: 01:08 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 01:12 EDT, 3 July 2024

Angel Reese collapsed down successful tears erstwhile she recovered retired she made nan WNBA All-Star team, soon aft getting disconnected nan tribunal Tuesday night

The Sky rookie was seen speaking to reporters aft Chicago's 85-77 triumph complete nan Atlanta Dream, erstwhile she started crying.  

'We won today, but they conscionable told maine I'm an All-Star. I mean, I'm conscionable truthful happy,' Reese said while choking backmost tears astatine nan Gateway Center successful Georgia.

'I cognize nan activity I put in. Coming into this convention truthful galore group doubted maine and didn't deliberation my crippled would construe and I wouldn't beryllium nan subordinate I was successful college, aliases better, aliases would beryllium worse and wouldn't beryllium wherever I americium correct now,' she went on.

'But I trusted nan process and I believed. I'm thankful that I dropped to No. 7 [in the WNBA Draft] and was capable to travel to Chicago. It's conscionable a blessing.'

Angel Reese collapsed down successful tears erstwhile she recovered retired she made nan WNBA All-Star team

'So galore group doubted maine and didn't deliberation my crippled would translate,' she said done tears

Reese concluded her affectional message, 'I can't convey my teammates and coaches capable for believing successful maine and trusting maine ... I'm really happy correct now.'

Reese will squad up pinch longtime rival Caitlin Clark, on pinch Aliyah Boston, Dearica Hamby and Arika Ogunbowale erstwhile nan squad takes connected Team USA successful a pre-Olympics arena successful Phoenix. 

Clark attracted nan astir votes - much than 700,00 - while Reese vanished 5th with 381,518.

The brace of superstar rookies person been credited pinch propelling nan convention to caller heights complete nan past mates of months, providing a boon for nan WNBA successful ratings, merchandise income and attendance.

The Chicago Sky rookie will subordinate up pinch her rival Caitlin Clark, who besides made nan team

The brace will person to put their rivalry speech erstwhile they go All-Star teammates

Reese (far right) was whistled for a flagrant foul connected Clark during a caller WNBA match-up

They faced disconnected successful nan assemblage nationalist title past play and their rivalry came to a caput successful nan pros erstwhile Clark was struck successful nan look by Reese during Chicago's triumph complete Indiana a fewer weeks ago. 

They will request to put their differences speech for 1 crippled only though, arsenic they squad up to look disconnected against nan Paris Olympics squad - conscionable weeks aft uncovering retired they had some been snubbed from nan roster heading to Europe this summer.

They person some been playing good connected nan tribunal pinch Clark 3rd successful assists pinch 6.9 and Reese starring nan WNBA successful rebounds astatine 11.4. 

Reese besides wrote her sanction successful nan history books past week erstwhile she became nan first subordinate successful nan history of nan convention to put up 10 consecutive double-doubles successful a azygous season.

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