Didi Hamann slams Cristiano Ronaldo over 'embarrassing' tears on the pitch after penalty miss and insists Portugal will lose to France if he plays

Trending 2 days ago

By Michael Pavitt

Published: 18:25 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 18:29 EDT, 1 July 2024

Didi Hamann has slammed Cristiano Ronaldo arsenic 'embarrassing' aft he was seen crying connected nan transportation pursuing his punishment miss against Slovenia.

Ronaldo's other clip punishment was superbly saved by Slovenia goalkeeper Jan Oblak keeping nan people goalless.

The 39-year-old guardant was seen successful tears astatine half-time successful extra-time, pinch team-mates consoling him pursuing nan miss.

Portugal would yet triumph 3-0 successful a punishment shoot-out pinch Diogo Costa keeping retired each 3 Slovenian spot-kicks, while Ronaldo converted his effort earlier apologising to fans.

Former Liverpool and Germany midfielder Hamann, speaking connected RTE, blasted Ronaldo's guidance arsenic 'embarrassing' and claimed nan guardant only thinks astir himself.

Cristiano Ronaldo was seen successful tears aft missing a punishment successful extra-time against Slovenia

Didi Hamann slammed Ronaldo arsenic embarrassing and claimed he only thinks of himself

Ronaldo had seen his punishment superbly kept retired by Slovenia's goalkeeper Jan Oblak

'39-year-old plays 120 minutes, he misses a punishment and I’ve sewage to say, I bought into each that “Ronaldo has turned into a squad subordinate because he needs nan squad much than he utilized to”, I bought into that delirium arsenic well, but I deliberation he showed his existent colours again tonight,’ Hamann said.

'Missing nan penalty, he starts crying connected nan pitch, he starts crying astatine half-time successful extra-time. And I’m reasoning “it’s each astir you”.

'There’s a squad of 26 players, there’s 20 staff, there’s 30 aliases 40,000 fans successful there, it’s not astir you.

'You effort to beryllium mutual, but I was cheering Slovenia connected because I though nan guidance was embarrassing, I thought it was retired of order.

‘I’ve ne'er seen thing for illustration it, because erstwhile you show emotions, erstwhile you get emotional, it’s nan extremity of it.

Ronaldo converted his punishment successful nan shoot-out arsenic Portugal yet battled past Slovenia

The seasoned guardant raised his hands successful apology to supporters aft scoring his 2nd penalty

'So that was nan constituent wherever nan head had to say, “you’ve sewage to travel disconnected because you’re not successful nan correct framework of mind to transportation connected playing”.

'Credit to him he took nan first punishment and he took it well, it was a very bully penalty, but arsenic I said I bought into each that “Ronaldo’s turned into a squad player”, it’s absolute nonsense.

‘All he thinks astir is himself.

'He scores nan punishment and apologises to nan fans, he doesn’t request to apologise. He will commencement nan adjacent crippled but I can’t spot immoderate different result than a France win.’

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