Clive Tyldesley reveals his mother died in the first week of Euro 2024 during his final days with ITV after the legendary commentator was axed by the broadcaster

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By Ryan Walker

Published: 04:39 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 04:53 EDT, 3 July 2024

Beloved shot commentator Clive Tyldesley has opened up connected nan heart-breaking circumstances of coming to position pinch his mother passing distant while he was moving for ITV during nan first week of Euro 2024.

The 69-year-old completed his past tourney for nan broadcaster successful Germany aft it was decided he wouldn't person his enactment astatine nan organisation extended.

His past quality was nan last-16 Euro 2024 necktie betwixt big federation Germany and Denmark successful Dortmund and he has since returned location to England.

Fans were furious astatine ITV's determination to axe Tyldesley and nan legendary broadcaster has now revealed really he battled tragic individual circumstances while moving astatine nan European Championship.

Tyldesley is widely-regarded arsenic 1 of Britain's greatest-ever commentators and displayed awesome professionalism erstwhile dealing pinch nan nonaccomplishment of his mum arsenic he outlined really he flew location earlier jetting backmost to Germany successful an question and reply pinch The Telegraph.

Iconic commentator Clive Tyldesley has revealed his mother died while he was moving astatine Euro 2024

Tyldesley completed his last crippled astatine nan tourney aft being axed by ITV aft astir 30 years astatine nan company

Outlining his condolences successful dealing not only pinch losing his position astatine ITV but besides nan decease of a parent, Tyldesley courageously explained: 'I really mislaid my mum nan first week of nan tournament. I had to alert backmost for a mates of days and look aft that, past travel back.

'Whilst location is simply a benignant of delayed consciousness of daze astatine nan passing of a parent, she passed peacefully and astir apt very overmuch astatine a clip of her calling successful galore respects.

'It's been a reflective clip 1 measurement aliases another, personally and – professionally. Because 28 years is simply a agelong clip pinch 1 company.'

The legendary commentator spent astir 3 decades astatine ITV and was renowned for his aggravated mentation and style while covering aggregate matches successful nan Champions League, FA Cup and awesome world tournaments.

His abrupt exit came aft previously standing down arsenic ITV's lead England commentator 3 years agone successful favour of Sam Matterface.

He antecedently revealed to Mail Sport that he 'doesn't cognize why' he has been asked to measurement down and has nary plans of retiring from shot conscionable yet.

ITV sought to salary tribute to Tyldesley's stunning commentary profession astatine nan organisation during his last lucifer astatine Euro 2024, but nan broadcaster has now admitted he wasn't willing successful immoderate specified farewell act.

The legendary commentator spent astir 3 decades astatine ITV and was renowned for his aggravated mentation and style

Tyldesley's last lucifer for ITV saw him screen Germany's last-16 triumph complete Denmark 

'I didn't deliberation it was basal because I wasn't retiring. I was being moved speech and sent home. It wasn't my decision, it was theirs. 

'It's a beautiful cloaked compliment erstwhile personification puts a show-reel together and past says, "Thank you very much, indeed. We're keeping nan different 3 commentators but you're going home", and had said that six weeks earlier.' 

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