Shannon Sharpe lifts the lid on 'necessary evil' key to his unbelievable ripped physique at age 56

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By Alastair Talbot

Published: 14:09 EDT, 5 July 2024 | Updated: 14:10 EDT, 5 July 2024

Shannon Sharpe has revealed his concealed to nan fountain of youth, arsenic he shared what he perceives arsenic a 'necessary evil' to staying fresh astatine his age. 

The ex-NFL'er, who won 3 Super Bowl rings connected nan Denver Broncos and Baltimore Ravens successful nan precocious 1990s, is simply a immense gym junkie, yet only workouts 30-40 minutes per day. 

He besides follows a strict fare and nutrition scheme that astir ever includes thin meat, for illustration food aliases chicken, fruits, carbs and vegetables.

'I show people, erstwhile I train I don't do a Hansel and Gretel workout,' nan erstwhile tight extremity told Men's Health

'I don't driblet breadcrumbs. I saved thing for nan travel home.'

Ex NFL'er Shannon Sharpe is simply a gym junkie but only spends 30-40 minutes per time moving out

For his 57th birthday, Sharpe admitted to wanting to driblet 10-12 pounds arsenic he weighs 245lbs

Standing astatine 6-ft-2 and 2454lbs, Sharpe admitted to wanting to lose weight earlier his day adjacent June and admitted that he tin only do that done what he deems arsenic nan astir challenging exercises for his size and age. 

'To get down connected nan crushed and get yourself up for an extended play of clip astatine 245lbs... that takes a lot,' he said. 

'When you spot those CrossFit guys, nary of them measurement 245, I tin guarantee you of that. I dislike doing them, but it's besides a basal evil to what I want to accomplish.' 

The three-time Super Bowl champ besides revealed that he ne'er leaves his workouts energized 

Sharpe usually sets his play gym regular for thorax and enarthrosis exercises, and weights, connected Monday, Wednesday Friday, and legs connected Tuesday and Thursday.

He besides gets massaged connected Wednesdays and Saturdays and starts his time anytime betwixt 3.30-4 americium aft waking up half-an-hour earlier. 

Recently, Sharpe revealed 2 instances from nan early 1990s that sewage him into unnecessary play involving women astatine their homes that deterred him from sleeping pinch different personification elsewhere than his bed. 

Sharpe has kept his emotion life nether wraps for astir of his clip successful nan spotlight and seemingly has ne'er been joined though he has 2 children, Kaley and Kiari, from different relationships.

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