Christian Petracca reveals horror details of 'traumatic' internal injuries: 'I don't wish this on my worst enemy'

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By James Cooney For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 22:15 EDT, 16 June 2024 | Updated: 22:15 EDT, 16 June 2024

Melbourne midfielder Christian Petracca has spoken publically for nan first clip since undergoing a 'pretty traumatic' room connected shocking injuries including a lacerated spleen.

The 28-year-old midfielder is recovering astatine location aft room to repair 4 surgery ribs, a punctured lung and a lacerated spleen, sustained successful a marking title during nan King's Birthday nonaccomplishment to Collingwood.

Petracca's play is now complete and admits that correct now there's 'a batch of self-doubt' astir his future. 

'I've been better… it's been beautiful traumatic, 4 aliases 5 days successful ICU and nan past mates of days were conscionable successful nan ward, now I'm retired of infirmary which is nice, I'm astatine home,' Petracca told Nova's Jase & Lauren.

Christian Peteracca (pictured) is recovering astatine location aft room to repair 4 surgery ribs, a punctured lung and a lacerated spleen

The midfielder says he wouldn't wish nan injuries upon his worst enemy

'It's been beautiful afloat on, I don't wish this connected my worst enemy.'

'I knew (Darcy Moore) deed maine bully … but I didn't realise nan severity of it until 2am (the adjacent morning) erstwhile I was gassed up and they were doing room pinch my eyes open.

'I conscionable thought it was a mates of cracked ribs, which is serious, but I thought I could spell backmost and play.'

Petracca controversially returned to nan section aft being injured earlier he was subbed retired of nan crippled for bully astatine halftime.

'I don't deliberation group understand erstwhile you're retired location playing, you conscionable want to spell retired and compete arsenic an athlete, arsenic a competitor … you're connected adrenaline, you don't really cognize what's going on, had I known now nan severity of it I evidently wouldn't person gone backmost retired there,' Petracca explained.

'At nan time, I thought and we thought it was a cracked rib, a mates cracked ribs, (I) wanted to spell retired location and play and compete.'

The 2021 Norm Smith medallist said Moore had reached retired to cheque successful connected his information respective times since nan collision connected nan weekend.

Petracca says he didn't understand nan afloat grade of his injuries until nan pursuing day

 'I watched a small spot of footy connected nan weekend, I had to move it off. Even a elemental tackle, you put yourself backmost successful nan business you were. So of course, astatine nan infinitesimal it's rather raw,' he said.

'I'll beryllium capable to get backmost to nan subordinate I was, conscionable astatine nan infinitesimal it's a batch of aforesaid uncertainty which is fine, it's a earthy feeling.'

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