Chaos as USA exit Copa America: One of the worst VAR calls ever, what Christian Pulisic did for the referee to refuse to shake hands and furious fans bemoan waste of 'golden generation'

Trending 2 days ago
  • Tournament hosts USA exited nan Copa America aft losing 1-0 to Uruguay
  • The consequence saw Gregg Berhalter's broadside decorativeness pinch conscionable 3 points successful Group C
  • Uruguay's extremity was awarded pursuing a VAR reappraisal but it appeared to beryllium offside

By Robert Summerscales

Published: 04:46 EDT, 2 July 2024 | Updated: 04:46 EDT, 2 July 2024

The USA collapsed retired of nan 2024 Copa America connected Monday nighttime but nan tourney hosts did not exit quietly.

Monday's Group C finale in Kansas City ended pinch USA star Christian Pulisic telling Peruvian referee Kevin Ortega that he and his squad of officials should observe pinch nan Uruguay players.

This came aft Uruguay hit Pulisic's broadside 1-0 courtesy of a arguable extremity scored by Mathias Olivera.

Many fans, players and pundits were furious that a VAR reappraisal allowed nan extremity to stand, contempt 1 framework appearing to show that Olivera was good offside when Ronald Araujo initially sewage his caput connected nan extremity of a Nicolas de la Cruz free-kick.

Araujo's header was saved but Olivera tapped location nan rebound to thief his broadside decorativeness apical of Group C.

Gregg Berhalter (left) saw his USA broadside get knocked retired of nan 2024 Copa America connected Monday 

Mathias Olivera (left) scored nan only extremity arsenic Uruguay hit nan USMNT 1-0 successful Kansas City

The extremity was allowed to guidelines contempt this camera perspective suggesting Olivera had been offside

A tweet by World Soccer Talk described nan determination arsenic 'UNBELIEVABLE', while 1 USA instrumentality wrote: 'So this isn't offside..... ok, CONMEBOL...ok...'

Referee Ortega refused to shingle hands with Pulisic pursuing nan last whistle, but only aft nan erstwhile Chelsea guardant shouted astatine him while pointing astatine nan celebrating Uruguay players: 'Why aren't you complete location pinch them?'

Despite being adamant that Uruguay's extremity should not person stood, fans were besides speedy to constituent retired that nan USA's early exit from their ain statement was not solely down to nan officials.

A tie against Uruguay would still person seen Pulisic and Co knocked retired of nan tourney because of past week's 2-1 conclusion by Panama, who yet went done successful 2nd spot pinch six points, 2 up of nan States.

Christian Pulisic (left) vented his vexation by shouting successful nan look of referee Kevin Ortega

Ortega later refused to shingle hands with Pulisic aft nan USA prima questioned his integrity

After Monday's game, galore fans - including scores of Mexico supporters -  took to X (formerly Twitter) to slam nan capacity by what is supposedly nan USA's 'golden generation'.

One wrote: 'I person zero sympathy for nan USMNT. The squad said nan Copa America is simply a "warm up", a "stepping stone".

'What happens erstwhile you bring that cognition to this tourney? You get grouped. This USA aureate generation, coaching staff, media, and fanbase is entitled.

'Now clasp nan L.'

Another added: 'US Mens National squad is lethargic, they person nary skill, nan "golden generation" is trash and we merit better. I dislike to spot this squad suffer clip and clip again'.

A 3rd remark read: 'In a group pinch only 1 bully team, nan USA grounded to get retired of Group C.

'Maybe pump nan brakes connected nan "Golden Generation" talk until they really triumph something. It's disappointing, but I can't opportunity surprising.'

I person zero sympathy for nan USMNT.

The squad said nan Copa America is simply a “warm up”, a “stepping stone”.

What happens erstwhile you bring that cognition to this tourney? You get grouped.

This USA aureate generation, coaching staff, media, and fanbase is entitled.

Now clasp nan L.

— Jack (@thejacksvn) July 2, 2024

In a group pinch only 1 bully team, nan USA grounded to get retired of Group C.
Maybe pump nan brakes connected nan “Golden Generation” talk until they really triumph something.

It’s disappointing, but I can’t opportunity surprising.

— Paul Roberts (@PaulRobertsCuse) July 2, 2024

US Mens National squad is lethargic, they person nary skill, nan “golden generation” is trash and we merit better. I dislike to spot this squad suffer clip and clip again

— フランク (@SportsMillenial) July 2, 2024

Fans were besides wide unimpressed by nan tv sum of Monday's game.

The main gripe was nan superior camera perspective utilized during nan first half of nan unrecorded broadcast.

Commenting connected nan long-range shot, 1 instrumentality wrote connected Reddit: 'Feels for illustration I'm watching personification play Mobile FIFA lol. Need my binoculars'.

Another quipped: 'What is this? Football for ants?'

But location was immoderate praise for nan big broadcaster aft nan camera perspective was changed mid-match.

'USA vs. Uruguay had nan worst camera perspective EVER lol,' 1 fan's tweet began.

'Everyone connected Twitter perfectly roasts it, 41 mins successful they really changed it haha.

'Honestly shoutout @fs1 cool to spot them listening. truthful overmuch amended now'.

Fans did not for illustration nan camera perspective utilized during nan first half of Monday's unrecorded TV coverage

USA vs. Uruguay had nan worst camera perspective EVER lol

everyone connected Twitter perfectly roasts it, 41 mins successful they really changed it haha

Honestly shoutout @fs1 cool to spot them listening. truthful overmuch amended now

— DANIEL GOT HITS (@danielgothits) July 2, 2024

After topping Group C pinch 9 points retired of nine, Uruguay's quarter-final opponents will beryllium nan squad that finishes 2nd successful Group D.

That will apt beryllium Brazil aliases Colombia - who will play each different connected Tuesday night.

Colombia presently beryllium apical of nan Group D pinch six points, pinch Brazil 2nd connected four. 

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