Celine Dion, 56, appears in high spirits at 2024 NHL Draft in first appearance since premiere of heartbreaking documentary detailing her battle with stiff-person syndrome

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Celine Dion made her first charismatic quality connected Friday pursuing nan premiere of her heartbreaking documentary I Am: Céline Dion.

The legendary songstress, 56 — who shared harrowing footage of herself suffering a seizure successful nan film — looked happy and patient during nan 2024 NHL Draft astatine nan Sphere arena successful Las Vegas. 

She announced nan 5th wide prime of nan Montreal Canadiens during nan first information of nan master lucky draft.

Dressed successful a chic achromatic garment and matching skirt, nan Grammy victor flashed her megawatt grin arsenic she took to nan shape to stock nan sporting news.

It comes aft nan star's affectional documentary showed nan devastating effect of her conflict pinch Stiff Person Syndrome.

Celine Dion made her first charismatic quality connected Friday since nan premiere of her heartbreaking documentary I Am: Céline Dion 

The legendary songstress, 56 — who shared harrowing footage of herself suffering a seizure successful nan movie — looked happy and patient during nan 2024 NHL Draft astatine nan Sphere arena successful Las Vegas 

Scenes from nan movie showed nan Grammy victor suffering an agonizing ten-minute seizure, pinch nan prima seen gasping for activity arsenic aesculapian professionals desperately effort to alleviate her achy musculus spasms while a camera unit softly filmed nan ordeal. 

In clear distress, a frantic Dion was fixed a medicinal nasal spray, commonly utilized to dainty nan effects of cluster seizures successful sufferers of SPS.  

The vocalist looked connected helplessly arsenic doctors mildly laic her successful a comfortable position and cheque her vitals.

All nan while, her bare-feet remained rigid arsenic she battled nan debilitating effects of nan uncommon condition. 

After receiving assistance nan vocalist was yet capable to beryllium upright and covered herself successful a broad earlier admitting her embarrassment astatine losing power of her assemblage successful beforehand of nan cameras. 

In December 2022, Dion revealed she'd been diagnosed pinch stiff personification syndrome, a superior neurological condition, and that she would beryllium postponing circuit dates owed to nan condition.

By May of nan pursuing year, she had cancelled each of her remaining concerts, citing her ongoing conflict pinch nan disease.

The condition, which affects 1 successful a cardinal group and causes muscles to tense uncontrollably yet leaves sufferers arsenic 'human statues' arsenic it progressively locks nan assemblage into rigid positions, leaving sufferers incapable to locomotion aliases talk.

She announced nan 5th wide prime of nan Montreal Canadiens during nan first information of nan master lucky draft

Celine dressed successful a chic achromatic garment and matching skirt

Tthe Grammy victor flashed her megawatt grin arsenic she took to nan shape to stock nan sporting news

While location is nary cure for SPS, location are treatments that slow down nan progression and Dion revealed she was doing each she could to minimize symptoms.

She addressed her fans successful a tearful Instagram station connected December 8 2022, adding that it was forcing her to postpone her European tour. 

'Hello everyone, I'm sorry it's taken maine truthful agelong to scope retired to you. I miss you each truthful overmuch and can't hold to beryllium connected shape talking to you successful person,' she wrote. 

'As you know, I've ever been an unfastened book and I wasn't fresh to opportunity thing earlier but I'm fresh now.

'I've been dealing pinch problems pinch my wellness for a agelong time, and it has been really difficult for maine to look my challenges and to talk astir everything that I've been going through.

'Recently, I've been diagnosed pinch a very uncommon neurological upset called nan Stiff Person Syndrome, which affects 1 successful a cardinal people.

'While we're still learning astir this uncommon condition, we now cognize this is what's been causing each nan spasms I've been having.'

Detailing nan effect nan information has had connected her, Dion continued: 'Unfortunately, these spasms impact each facet of my regular life, sometimes causing difficulties erstwhile I locomotion and not allowing maine to usage my vocal cords to singing nan measurement I'm utilized to. 

It comes aft nan star's affectional documentary showed nan devastating effect of her conflict pinch Stiff Person Syndrome

Ivan Demidov, center, poses, aft being selected by nan Montreal Canadiens during nan first information of nan NHL lucky draft 

Celine stunned successful her chic ensemble

The songstress made nan quality aft nan debut of her harrowing documentary wherever she gave a peek astatine her conflict pinch SPS

'It hurts maine to show you coming that this intends I won't beryllium fresh to restart my circuit successful Europe successful February.' 

She added: 'I person a awesome squad of doctors moving alongside maine to thief maine get amended and my precious children who are supporting maine and giving maine help.

'I'm moving difficult pinch my sports medicine therapist each time to build backmost my spot and my expertise to execute again but I person to admit it's been a struggle.

'All I cognize is singing, it's what I've done each my life and it's what I emotion to do nan most. I miss you truthful much. I miss seeing each of you being connected nan shape performing for you.

'I ever springiness 100 percent erstwhile I do my show but my information is now allowing maine to springiness you that correct now.

'For maine to scope you again, I person nary prime but to ore connected my wellness astatine this moment, and I person dream that I'm connected nan roadworthy to recovery. This is my focus, and I'm doing everything I tin to recuperate.

'I want to convey you truthful overmuch for your wishes and emotion and support connected my societal media. This intends a batch to me. Take attraction of yourselves. Be well. I emotion you guys truthful overmuch and I really dream I tin spot you again existent soon.'

Dion's sister Claudette later shared an update connected nan Power Of Love singer's health. 

Céline Dion insisted that nary changes beryllium made to a harrowing caller documentary astir her conflict pinch Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) aft she was filmed experiencing a lengthy spasm

A aesculapian master is seen assisting nan vocalist pinch a nasal spray arsenic her stricken assemblage goes into 'crisis' 

Speaking to Le Journal de Montreal (via SheMazing), Claudette said she was being cared for by their sister Linda and moving intimately pinch researchers who specialise successful nan uncommon condition.

'We can't find immoderate medicine that works, but having dream is important,' she revealed.

'I honestly deliberation that she mostly needs to rest. She ever goes supra and beyond [when performing], she ever tries to beryllium nan champion and apical of her game.

'At 1 point, your bosom and your assemblage are trying to show you something. It's important to perceive to it.'

She added: '[Performing] is innate to her, she's disciplined successful each area of her life,' Claudette added.

'When I telephone [Celine] and she's busy, I speak to my sister Linda who lives pinch her and tells maine that she's moving hard.'

Dion subsequently made her first nationalist quality successful three-and-a-half years astatine a lucky lucifer successful November 2023. 

The superstar Titanic vocalist was spotted successful nationalist for nan first clip successful three-and-a-half years arsenic nan Montreal Canadiens took connected nan Vegas Golden Knights. 

In footage posted online, Dion was accompanied by her sons René-Charles and twins Nelson and Eddy, and appeared to beryllium successful awesome spirits arsenic she greeted players and fans successful nan locker rooms aft nan match.

The vocalist revealed her Stiff Person Syndrome test successful an affectional video, shared pinch Instagram followers successful December 2022 

After publically sharing her diagnosis, nan prima made a astonishment quality astatine nan Grammy Awards successful February 2024, and received a opinionated ovation 

Months later, nan singer made a daze quality astatine nan 2024 Grammy Awards. 

The prima was visibly affectional arsenic she walked onstage pinch nan support of eldest son Rene-Charles Angelil, 23, to cheers and a opinionated ovation and to coming Album of nan Year.

She said: 'Thank you, all! I emotion you correct back. You look beautiful. When I opportunity I'm happy to beryllium here, I really mean it from my heart.

'Those who person been blessed capable to beryllium present astatine nan Grammy Awards must ne'er return for granted nan tremendous emotion and joyousness that euphony brings to our lives and to group each astir nan world.'

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