Gemma Atkinson says her 'heart is broken' as her beloved dog Norman dies after she made 'the hardest decision of my life'

Trending 1 day ago

By Joanna Crawley For Mailonline

Published: 04:19 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 04:27 EDT, 1 July 2024

Gemma Atkinson has revealed she is heartbroken aft her canine Norman died.

The Strictly prima shared nan devastating news connected Instagram complete nan weekend, penning a loving tribute to her companion of 12 years. 

'My beautiful boy Norman has passed away. My bosom is broken,' she told her followers, explaining that she had to 'make nan hardest determination of my life.'

'12 years agone I made a committedness to him that one would ever return attraction of him and ne'er let him beryllium successful symptom aliases to suffer. Had I put disconnected making nan hardest determination of my life immoderate longer I would person surgery that promise,' Gemma wrote.

Gemma Atkinson has revealed she is heartbroken aft her canine Norman died. The Strictly prima shared nan devastating news connected Instagram, penning a tribute to her companion of 12 years

'My beautiful boy Norman has passed away. My bosom is broken,' she told her followers, explaining that she had to 'make nan hardest determination of my life'

Norman was by Gemma's broadside for 12 years, earlier she met her partner, Strictly dancer Gorka Márquez and welcomed her 2 children, Mia, 4 and Thiago, 11 months.

'It's difficult to put into words really overmuch Norman changed my life and made it truthful overmuch amended Simply by conscionable being there,' Gemma wrote. 'Throughout nan bully & bad experiences nan past 12 years he's been location pinch Ollie making everything ok.'

'My astir favourite weekends were spent having agelong walks exploring together, past location laic successful furniture cosy pinch them some watching a movie while they snored distant peacefully.'

Gemma added: 'I deliberation I'll miss that nan most…That and nan truth Norm was ever nan only 1 successful nan full location to get up and travel downstairs pinch maine successful nan mornings nary matter really early it was.'

'My 5am nine won't beryllium nan aforesaid without his company.He was my first acquisition of being a mum and having personification different than myself to attraction for. He's taught maine a lot.'

'Mainly to ever unrecorded successful nan moment, stay affirmative and to support trying. He ne'er stopped trying to conscionable get up and please me. Even astatine nan end. He was nan astir gentle and caring psyche mixed pinch fierce emotion and loyalty to his family, his pack.' 

She added that she was 'beyond sad' for her girl Mia, explaining really Norman would aftermath her up 'by going into her room and pinching her Snuggie almost mundane of her life.'

'She's ne'er known him aliases Ollie to not beryllium here. Her first champion friend. And truthful adjacent to her 5th Birthday.'

She added that she was 'beyond sad' for her girl Mia, explaining really Norman would aftermath her up 'by going into her room and pinching her Snuggie almost mundane of her life'

'12 years agone I made a committedness to him that one would ever return attraction of him and ne'er let him beryllium successful symptom aliases to suffer. Had I put disconnected making nan hardest determination of my life immoderate longer I would person surgery that promise,' Gemma wrote

'They opportunity nan sadness we consciousness erstwhile we suffer a loved 1 is nan value we salary for loving them truthful much, and boy did one emotion you Norman.'

'In each these years nan only clip you've surgery my bosom is today, erstwhile yours stopped beating. I'm going to emotion you, miss you and retrieve you forever.'

'Until we meet again Norman… Go and tally again and person immoderate nosy up location pinch my dad. You're specified a bully boy.' 

Gemma's station was met pinch an outpouring of comments, pinch Louise Thompson penning that she was 'in floods of tears reference this,' while Strictly prima Amy Dowden commented that she was 'sending truthful overmuch love.'

Gemma's station was met pinch an outpouring of comments, pinch Louise Thompson penning that she was 'in floods of tears reference this'

Norman was by Gemma's broadside for 12 years, earlier she met her partner, Strictly dancer Gorka Márquez and welcomed her 2 children, Mia, 4 and Thiago, 11 months

On Sunday, Gemma posted again, thanking fans for their messages arsenic she explained really she was supporting her girl done nan loss

On Sunday, Gemma posted again, thanking fans for their messages arsenic she explained really she was supporting her girl done nan loss.

'I posted a paper addressed to her from Norman successful eden explaining he's happy and his legs woprk and she doesn't request to interest astir him,' Gemma explained. 'It should get connected Tues. I'm hoping it helps.'

She added that Norman's last moments were serene and afloat of emotion arsenic she told fans really 'he fell dormant peacefully astatine location connected his furniture correct adjacent to me.'

'Before he near I placed 1 of Thiagos dummies nether his blanket. He ever did emotion pinching them aft all.'

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