Boxing star Gervonta Davis expecting second child with Vanessa Posso after she dropped domestic violence allegations against him

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Boxer Gervonta Davis is going to beryllium a dada for nan 3rd time. 

His girlfriend, Vanessa Posso, revealed she's pregnant pinch nan couple's 2nd kid successful a saccharine societal media station connected Father's Day. 

The arguable fighter, who has a history of alleged violence, besides shares a kid pinch ex-girlfriend, Andretta Smothers. 

'Baby G 2.0,' Posso captioned 1 Instagram post, which showed her daughter Giovanna Thalia wearing a t-shirt that read, 'In my large sister era.' 

She besides shared a bid of clips from a maternity shoot, which highlighted her increasing bump. 

Gervonta Davis' girlfriend Vanessa Posso revealed she's pregnant pinch their 2nd baby

Posso and Davis welcomed their girl Giovanna Thalia successful October 2021

'Life lately,' she wrote successful nan caption. 

Fans were speedy to constituent retired that nan news came conscionable 1 twelvemonth aft she accused Davis of home abuse. 

The influencer, who retracted her claims 5 months later, whitethorn person subtly addressed nan commentary pinch immoderate cryptic quotes connected her Instagram Story.

'No 1 talks astir really having children virtually changes your position connected everything,' 1 quote read. 

'You person nary desire to impressment group aliases fresh in. Negative things group deliberation aliases opportunity don't matter anymore.' 

She besides wrote, 'The small family that you created, is nan champion squad you could ever have.' 

She and Davis welcomed babe Giovanna successful October 2021. 

'Baby G 2.0,' Posso captioned an Instagram post, which showed Giovanna successful a tiny tee

The influencer accused her fellow of home unit successful December 2022

The pursuing December, he was arrested connected a misdemeanor home unit complaint aft allegedly striking her pinch a 'closed hand-type slap' and leaving her pinch an scraping connected her lip, according to a Broward County Sheriff's Office incident report.

However, Posso later walked backmost nan severity of nan incident, claiming they were 'both astatine fault' for nan spat.

'These past days person been hurtful, and highly exhausting for each parties involved,' she wrote connected societal media astatine nan time. 'The authorities of our narration has been successful a vulnerable abstraction and Gervonta and I were some astatine responsibility for nan argument.'

She went on, 'While nan emotions were moving precocious I made an unnecessary telephone to rule enforcement astatine an aggravated infinitesimal while I was frantic. Gervonta did not harm maine aliases our daughter.

She previously walked backmost nan severity of nan incident, claiming they were 'both astatine fault' 

'Today, we person sought nan thief basal to move guardant pinch our lives. I americium assured that we will win wrong our co-parenting move pinch nan counselling provided to us.'

Davis, for his part, collapsed his soundlessness successful an Instagram station denying nan accusation.


The lightweight champion previously surrendered to Florida constabulary aft he grabbed nan pharynx of his ex-girlfriend, Smothers, astatine a kindness hoops crippled successful 2020.

He has besides faced battle charges, which were later dropped, successful 2017 aft reportedly punching a puerility friend successful nan head. 

He was past accused of getting into a conflict pinch a man astatine a promenade successful Virginia and was charged pinch disorderly behaviour aft a thoroughfare brawl successful 2018.  

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