Billy Ray Cyrus' ex Firerose reveals his 'strict rules' and details 'domestic abuse' as she blasts him amid bitter divorce battle: 'He's an evil man'

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Firerose opened up astir her past narration pinch Billy Ray Cyrus and revealed he had 'strict rules' for her erstwhile they were together.

The 36-year-old vocalist said nan Achy Breaky Heart hitmaker, 62, perpetually screamed astatine her and made her consciousness for illustration a 'prisoner' astatine their Tennessee location during their marriage.

In a Page Six article published connected Sunday, she said Cyrus was an 'evil man' and elaborate her ain claims of home maltreatment during nan 2 years they were together and 7 months they were married.

After he claimed she had 'physically, emotionally and verbally abused him,' she opened up astir really she claimed he 'isolated' her from her friends and family and attempted to power her.

'Billy had very strict rules,' she elaborated. 'I didn't person a car. I was only allowed to spell to nan section chiropractor and allowed erstwhile a period to get my nails done.' 

Firerose opened up astir her past narration pinch Billy Ray Cyrus and revealed he had 'strict rules' for her erstwhile they were together

The 36-year-old vocalist said nan Achy Breaky Heart hitmaker, 62, perpetually screamed astatine her and made her consciousness for illustration a 'prisoner' astatine their Tennessee location during their marriage; seen successful March 2020

Firerose — an Australian vocalist whose sanction is Johanna Rose Hodges — called it 'systemic isolation' and added: 'I couldn't find nan courageousness to leave.' 

She besides claimed that her friends and family were banned from visiting her astatine home.

Cyrus' estranged woman added: 'If I had to nonstop a text, I had to publication it retired to him for permission. It was nan aforesaid for email.' 

In tribunal documents revenge successful Tennessee past week, Cyrus denied nan 'mindboggling' allegations of maltreatment towards her and claimed successful their explosive divorcement conflict that she was aft his money and abused him. 

He besides denied 'abandoning her' connected May 23 erstwhile he revenge for divorcement and nan time her double mastectomy was scheduled. 

She antecedently said he kicked her retired of their Tennessee location connected nan aforesaid time she was scheduled to acquisition a double mastectomy. 

She explained that she had precocious been diagnosed pinch nan BRCA1 cistron mutation and faces a precocious consequence of processing bosom cancer. 

However, she was incapable to get nan surgery.

In a Page Six article published connected Sunday, she said Cyrus was an 'evil man' and elaborate her ain claims of home maltreatment during nan 2 years they were together and 7 months they were married 

After he claimed she had 'physically, emotionally and verbally abused him,' she opened up astir really she claimed he 'isolated' her from her friends and family and attempted to power her; seen successful January 2024

She claimed he had very 'strict rules' for her while they were surviving together and accused him of 'systemic isolation'

'When Billy decided to discard maine it was [in] a sadistic way,' she shared. 'I would ne'er dainty different quality being truthful cruelly.' 

Since then, nan erstwhile mates person been entangled successful a bitter ineligible battle, which she called 'excruciatingly painful.'

'This is simply a smear run by nan personification I was profoundly successful emotion pinch for 4 years and successful a narration pinch and who has decided to costs afloat blown warfare against me,' she said. 

Firerose besides claimed nan magnitude of accent he put connected her caused her to walk retired 2 days earlier their wedding past October. 

She said that astatine that time, she was taken to nan infirmary soon earlier they were group to necktie nan knot. 

Firerose besides claimed that Cyrus would springiness her nan silent curen for hours aliases days astatine a time. 

As a result, she said she 'withdrew' and became 'afraid to talk.' 

She besides told nan outlet astir really their narration overlapped pinch his erstwhile matrimony to Tish Cyrus, which she claimed to not person immoderate knowledge of arsenic he told her he had already revenge for divorce. 

She besides claimed that her friends and family were banned from visiting her astatine home

The brace antecedently met astatine a Hollywood workplace successful 2010 erstwhile she was 22 and he was 48. 

He was still joined to his 2nd woman astatine nan clip truthful they became friends. 

However, he reportedly told her that they were 'soulmates' and would person a emotion communicative for nan ages moreover though they hardly stayed successful touch complete nan years earlier rekindling their friendship. 

Ten years later, she said that Cyrus tracked her down and asked her to do a duet pinch him connected a type of Tanya Tucker's Delta Dawn. 

At that time, she claimed he told her that he hadn't stopped reasoning astir her for nan past decade since nan time they met. 

'Every day, he told me, "I'm getting divorced" but he said it was analyzable because of nan kids, and they had been joined for truthful long. I conscionable accepted everything he told maine to beryllium true.' 

She said they began making love anterior to erstwhile they released their duet A New Day successful 2021 but he told her to not talk astir their narration successful public. 

She besides said she was amazed erstwhile Tish revenge for divorcement successful April 2022 since she thought he had already done so. 

The brace antecedently met astatine a Hollywood workplace successful 2010 erstwhile she was 22 and he was 48. Ten years later, she said that Cyrus tracked her down and asked her to do a duet pinch him connected a type of Tanya Tucker's Delta Dawn

She besides said she was amazed erstwhile Tish revenge for divorcement successful April 2022 since she thought he had already done so. 'I would ne'er ever person entered into a narration pinch a joined man, but he was specified a awesome manipulator,' she said

'I would ne'er ever person entered into a narration pinch a joined man, but he was specified a awesome manipulator.'

Shortly afterwards, she said she moved from Los Angeles to unrecorded pinch him successful Tennessee. 

It was past he began to isolate her 'from each azygous personification successful my life,' she claimed, isolated from for her AA sponsor, whom she insisted connected speaking to arsenic she was 4 years sober astatine nan time. 

She besides alleged that he became verbally abusive soon aft they started dating. 

'He would rage astatine me, outcry astatine maine astatine nan apical of his lungs. He would terrify me, yelling, "You stupid dumb f***ing b****, crazy w****. It was illogical and insane and terrifying.' 

She besides added: 'There is nary narration that Billy has that is not affected by his narcissism.'

However, nan brace went connected to get engaged successful August 2022.

After their separation, Firerose besides said she mislaid nan agents that she shared pinch her husband, who has besides accused her of fraudulently utilizing in installments cards they shared. 

Shortly afterwards, she said she moved from Los Angeles to unrecorded pinch him successful Tennessee. It was past he began to isolate her 'from each azygous personification successful my life,' she claimed, isolated from for her AA sponsor, whom she insisted connected speaking to arsenic she was 4 years sober astatine nan time. She besides alleged that he became verbally abusive soon aft they started dating

She besides added: 'There is nary narration that Billy has that is not affected by his narcissism.' However, nan brace went connected to get engaged successful August 2022. They tied nan knot successful October 2023

As a result, she claimed she mislaid hundreds of thousands of dollars worthy of master activity opportunities, including a domiciled successful a Hallmark movie. 

This comes soon aft 1 of Cyrus' divorce-related tribunal filings alleged publicized a statement Firerose allegedly near him aft leaving nan location they antecedently shared.

In nan missive seeking reconciliation, she reportedly wrote that she was 'so sorry' and asked for 'a chance to make this right.' 

Firerose did not contradict penning nan statement and told Page Six: 'He's attempting to usage my loving notes arsenic impervious that he could not person been abusing maine because I emotion him.

'But it's because you emotion them that you tolerate this behavior.'

'I deliberation he will usage each azygous point against me,' she added, aft mentioning she knowledgeable immoderate 'very acheronian years' successful her 20s that led her to becoming sober.

She suggested he had afloat knowledge of that portion of her past and would weaponize it against her successful their ongoing divorcement battle. 

'He's an evil man,' she continued. 

She said successful nan days earlier they exchanged nuptials, he caused her truthful overmuch 'stress' that she fainted and was hospitalized

She besides addressed his accusations aft he claimed she lied astir her identity

One of nan singer's adjacent friends, who is simply a stylist, besides told nan outlet: 'It felt for illustration Firerose was successful a situation that she didn't motion up for.' 

Another 1 of her friends, who useful successful nan intelligence wellness space, besides told Page Six: 'I'm 1 of nan only friends who was alert of nan verbal, affectional and psychological maltreatment Firerose has endured by Billy, arsenic she was wholly isolated and acrophobic of sharing what she was going done pinch others. As a unfortunate of maltreatment myself, she felt comfortable confiding successful maine of her experiences and I could show she was becoming worn down.'

Firerose besides addressed accusations nan begetter of Miley Cyrus made against her successful a mobility revenge earlier successful June.

Cyrus antecedently alleged Firerose knowingly committed fraud 'with nan sole volition of inducing [him] into a matrimony to get nan sanction "Cyrus" nether nan belief that it would thief her fledgling euphony career.'

In nan aforesaid filing, nan Hannah Montana alum besides claimed Firerose lied astir having been joined before.

He besides claimed she lied astir her personality — utilizing her joined sanction alternatively of Hodges connected their matrimony licence and listing her aunt and uncle arsenic her parents.

She explained she was raised by her aunt and uncle and besides told nan outlet that she had been joined erstwhile earlier erstwhile she was 21, adding their divorcement was amicable.

She said she tried 'numerous times' to show Cyrus astir her erstwhile relationships but he opted retired arsenic he didn't want to know. 

Firerose told nan outlet that since their separation, she is starting to consciousness amended and 'brighter' and is now staying pinch a friend successful Tenneessee. For that reason, she wanted to 'speak out' astir home abuse

Up next, nan erstwhile mates will beryllium erstwhile again facing 1 different successful a tribunal proceeding connected Monday, according to Page Six

Firerose told nan outlet that since their separation, she is starting to consciousness amended and 'brighter' and is now staying pinch a friend successful Tenneessee. 

About why she wanted to speak out, she said: 'Knowing truthful galore different women and truthful galore different group who are, unfortunately, survivors of home maltreatment — and person to look each of this, each day, down closed doors — makes maine recognize I person to find courage.

'I don't deliberation I person it — but I person an obligation,' she added. 'If I can't usage my nationalist platform, past what chance does anybody have?' 

Up next, nan erstwhile mates will beryllium erstwhile again facing 1 different successful a tribunal proceeding connected Monday, according to Page Six. 

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