Perrie Edwards reveals she was born without a sense of smell and went undiagnosed until her kitchen caught fire when she was a child

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Perrie Edwards has revealed that she discovered she has nary consciousness of smell aft a occurrence collapsed retired successful her location erstwhile she was a child.

The singer, 30, was calved without a consciousness of smell owed to complications suffered successful nan womb - a information called congenital anosmia.

However, she explained that she had only been diagnosed pinch nan information erstwhile she grounded to realise her room was connected occurrence successful her puerility home, because she couldn't smell nan burning.

Speaking to Nick Grimshaw and Angela Hartnett OBE connected their Dish from Waitrose podcast, Perrie recalled: 'I couldn't smell it. Our room had group connected fire. 

'I saw nan achromatic fume travel nether nan door. And past I started coughing because it takes your activity away.'

Perrie Edwards has revealed that she discovered she has nary consciousness of smell aft a occurrence collapsed retired successful her location erstwhile she was a child

The singer, 30, was calved without a consciousness of smell owed to complications suffered successful nan womb - a information called congenital anosmia

However, she explained that she had only been diagnosed pinch nan information erstwhile she grounded to realise her room was connected occurrence successful her puerility home, because she couldn't smell nan burning (pictured past month) 

Luckily, she and her family escaped unharmed, but nan terrifying ordeal was capable to person her mother to take Perrie for aesculapian tests.

She was soon diagnosed pinch nan uncommon information of congenital anosmia, which is thought to impact conscionable 1 successful 10,000 people.

Fellow celebrated sufferers person included William Wordsworth, INXS vocalist Michael Hutchence and character Bill Pullman. 

Perrie revealed that she underwent an cognition successful bid to dainty nan condition, but that nan effects did not past long.

She recalled: 'I had surgery, came out, had large tampons successful my nose, recovered for a while. And past I committedness to God I could smell coffee. I woke up and smelled nan coffee.'

After she mislaid her expertise to smell erstwhile again, nan doctors said she would request to person nan process a 2nd time.

However, Perrie opted not to, explaining that she didn't attraction astir being incapable to smell arsenic she had ne'er known what it was like.

She said: 'I was like, I'm not going done that again. I don't care. If I had it and mislaid it, adjacent enough. But I've ne'er had it, truthful why care?'

Perrie revealed that she underwent an cognition successful bid to dainty nan condition, but that nan effects did not past agelong and she opted not to person nan process done again

While losing your consciousness of smell tin often origin group to suffer their sensation successful food, Perrie told Nick and Angela that has ne'er been an rumor for her.

She said that she loved food, to nan grade that she often struggled to support to a patient fare connected tour.

She admitted: 'I'll beryllium like, I'm eating healthy, cipher talk to me, and past I'm like, Five Guys, what's going on? I literally, I'm a foodie and I do effort to eat healthy.'

Elsewhere successful nan podcast, Perrie revealed nan 'horrendous' regret Little Mix had, that almost caused them to get backmost together prematurely pursuing their split successful 2022. 

She admitted her and her chap bandmates Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Jade Thirlwall initially panicked aft they 'put their ft down' to spell solo. 

The set formed alongside Jesy Nelson connected The X Factor successful 2011, going connected to triumph nan show and execute worldwide success.

However, aft complete a decade of moving hard, Perrie admitted the girls were near 'bored retired of our minds' aft their divided pinch each nan free clip they abruptly had.

The mother-of-one said that her, Leigh-Anne, 32, and Jade, 31, were texting each different saying they were 'sick' of sitting around. 

While losing your consciousness of smell tin often origin group to suffer their sensation successful food, Perrie told Nick and Angela that has ne'er been an rumor for her 

Elsewhere successful nan podcast, Perrie revealed nan 'horrendous' regret Little Mix had, that almost caused them to get backmost together prematurely pursuing their divided successful 2022 (pictured successful 2021)

She admitted her and her chap bandmates Leigh-Anne Pinnock (right) and Jade Thirlwall (left) initially panicked aft they 'put their ft down' to spell solo

She recalled: 'I retrieve we sat astatine location and we were successful a WhatsApp group and we were like, I'm bored. What are you up to today?

'And Leigh-Anne would beryllium like, "I'm really sick of this." And Jade's like, "Yeah, why did we push for this again?"

'And I'm like, "We've done it now, we person to spot it through." Cause we were like, should we spell back? Like, should we just, it was truthful weird. It was like, that was abnormal to us. 

'We were saturated retired of our minds, it was horrendous and now I emotion doing nothing. Like I'm really bully astatine it. So I don't deliberation I'd for illustration struggle that much. I emotion moving and I emotion besides not working. So I deliberation it's a bully balance.'

Last month, Perrie dropped her second azygous Tears, nan follow-up to April's Forget About Us.

Her debut solo way was number 1 for 2 weeks connected nan Big Top 40 floor plan and peaked wrong nan apical 10 of nan Official Charts. 

Where Forget About Us was an Ed Sheeran popular ballad pinch state euphony influence, Tears is soft psyche pinch an '80s vibe.

In nan song, Perrie laments nan tears she wasted connected an ex and, while saying she knows she will ne'er get them back, she vows he will ne'er spot her outcry again. 

Describing nan inspiration for nan track, she said: 'This opus is astir coming retired of a bad business and letting spell of what has happened successful nan past.

'It's that constituent wherever you consciousness empowered, and you time off nan tears down because you've travel retired nan different side. It’s a sultry and soft way that I'm really excited for you each to hear.'

Last month, Perrie dropped her 2nd azygous Tears, nan follow-up to April's Forget About Us, which was number 1 for 2 weeks connected nan Big Top 40 chart

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