Bill Hughes: Aussie TV pioneer who directed A Country Practice, McLeod's Daughters, Packed to the Rafters and more dies aged 79: 'He was never afraid to bend the rules'

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By Kinta Walsh-cotton For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 04:55 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 04:55 EDT, 3 July 2024

Australian shaper Bill Hughes passed distant successful Doonan, Queensland during nan early hours of nan greeting connected April 7.

The seasoned head was conscionable weeks distant from celebrating his 80th day erstwhile he tragically died pursuing decades of activity successful nan intermezo industry.

Bill is survived by his partner Tonia, first woman Ellen, relative John, boy Justin, grandson Max, and his stepchildren Kia and Chris from his 2nd marriage. 

The filmmaker sewage into nan intermezo manufacture astatine a young property pinch his family being 'theatre people' who encouraged him to execute successful puppet shows.  

'He came to tv successful its infancy and was 1 of nan pioneers who laid nan groundwork for nan manufacture we each activity successful now,' writer Jutta Goetze said.

'His profession was agelong and extended and he should not beryllium forgotten... Bill was innovative, accessible and ne'er acrophobic to crook nan rules.' 

Bill worked his measurement up from nan 'flies' behind-the-scenes of various theatre shows earlier he became a sound technologist connected The Graham Kennedy Show astatine Nine. 

He sewage his large break erstwhile Crawford Productions developed its caller constabulary bid Homicide successful nan '60s and hired Bill arsenic nan euphony editor. 

Australian shaper Bill Hughes (pictured) passed distant successful Doonan, Queensland during nan early hours of nan greeting connected April 7

Despite having nary acquisition successful nan position, Bill learned connected nan occupation erstwhile nan sound technologist offered to thatch him nan role. 

Bill worked his measurement done respective roles which included nan camera, penning and book editing earlier he yet became a head and later producer. 

He went connected to nonstop Homicide, The Sullivans, Division Four, Cop Shop and The Flying Doctors for Crawford Productions. 

The seasoned head was conscionable weeks distant from celebrating his 80th day erstwhile he tragically died pursuing decades of activity successful nan intermezo industry

Bill is survived by his partner Tonia, first woman Ellen, relative John, boy Justin, grandson Max, and his stepchildren Kia and Chris from his 2nd marriage

Finally, erstwhile nan Logie Award-winner near nan studio, he spent up to sixty years directing a slew of very celebrated TV miniseries and serial shows. 

Some of his projects see A Country Practice, Home and Away, Winners and Losers, All Saints, Guinevere Jones, McLeod's Daughters and Packed to nan Rafters. 

He received countless accolades passim his agelong career, including galore AFI, AACTA and Logie Awards.  

According to his obituary, Bill is 'highly regarded passim nan manufacture pinch a "maverick" estimation for very precocious standards and exacting work.'

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