Jane Lynch, 63, is seen in a rare photo with her wife of three years Jennifer Cheyne as they enjoy a Fourth of July parade in Santa Barbara

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Jane Lynch donned patriotic colors alongside wife, Jennifer Cheyne, arsenic nan brace attended nan Montecito Fourth of July Parade successful Santa Barbara, California connected Thursday. 

The Glee alum, 63 - who recently enjoyed a uncommon outing pinch nan screenwriter for a luncheon day - strolled pinch Cheyne while heading to nan festivities and astatine 1 constituent channeled her Best In Show characteristic arsenic she cuddled an adorable dog. 

The character sported a reddish and white-checkered garment that was buttoned astatine nan beforehand arsenic good arsenic a brace of denim jeans. 

She layered nan outfit pinch a acheronian navy and red-striped sweater and later tied nan outer portion astir her waist successful nan warmer, summertime temperatures. 

Lynch completed nan daytime outfit by slipping into a brace of achromatic sneakers that were secured pinch laces, and added a brace of stylish shades to protect her eyes from nan agleam California sunshine. 

Jane Lynch, 63, donned patriotic colors alongside wife, Jennifer Cheyne, arsenic nan brace attended nan Montecito Fourth of July Parade successful Santa Barbara connected Thursday

The 2 later took a spot connected a curb successful a shady area and Jane could beryllium seen flashing a cheerful grin arsenic she held an adorable canine successful her arms. 

The prima channeled her 2000 film, Best In Show, wherever she took connected nan domiciled of taskmaster trainer, Christy Cummings. 

Other celebrities that were formed successful nan mockumentary drama included Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara, Jennifer Coolidge, Michael McKean and besides John Michael Higgins. 

The premise follows, 'A behind-the-scenes look into nan highly competitory and cut-throat world of canine shows done nan eyes of a group of ruthless canine owners,' per IMDB.  

Last twelvemonth successful March, Jane notably had a Best In Show reunion pinch Coolidge arsenic they crossed paths astatine nan GLAAD Media Awards.  

Jane's partner, Jennifer - whom she tied nan knot pinch successful 2021 - besides embraced nan summertime vacation successful a reddish overgarment arsenic good arsenic a bluish and white-patterned skirt. 

The writer opted for a straw chapeau connected apical of her caput while stepping outside, and besides wore a brace of comfy, achromatic sneakers. 

Lynch and Cheyne concisely dated successful nan early 2000s and rekindled their romance a decade later. 

The 2 later took a spot connected a curb successful a shady area and Jane could beryllium seen flashing a cheerful grin arsenic she held an adorable canine successful her arms

The prima channeled her 2000 film, Best In Show, wherever she took connected nan domiciled of taskmaster trainer, Christy Cummings; seen pinch Jennifer Coolidge successful nan movie 

While talking to People successful 2020, Jane expressed that she is 'grateful' for Jennifer, and expressed, 'My partner makes maine thankful each time long.' 

'We person each these miles racked up, and we person immoderate things we want to buy. I said, "Figure retired really we tin usage miles to bargain this stuff.'" And she figured it out. So now I'm like, "I'm truthful grateful for you," because I couldn't fig that out.' 

The prima gushed, 'She figures retired really to woody pinch [everything]. She's like, "I don't request to prosecute a handyman."' 

'Although she's very, very feminine and soft, she's sewage a point of devices that she brings retired and she tin hole almost anything. Plumbing, and loose shutters, and our aerial conditioner.'

Lynch - who will move 64 later this period connected July 14 - added, 'That's nan top point astir her, because I get overwhelmed, and I person nary patience pinch details. She's very methodical and she takes things very slowly.' 

'She's really smart. We activity truthful good and we're really grateful that we recovered each other.' 

In 2021, Jane and Jennifer held their nuptials astatine a courthouse successful Santa Barbara and nan character opened up astir nan wedding while talking to Today. 

In regards to nan proposal, she recalled, 'Jennifer and I person been together everlastingly and we were shopping for security for her and I said, "Let's conscionable get married." So that's really romanticist it went.' 

While talking to People successful 2020, Jane expressed that she is 'grateful' for Jennifer, and expressed, 'My partner makes maine thankful each time long; seen successful 2016 successful Westwood 

She added that nan ceremonial itself was a 'really beautiful thing' and said, 'We unrecorded successful Santa Barbara and we went to their courtyard, aliases courthouse, which is simply a beautiful aged Spanish building'; seen successful 2016 

She added that nan ceremonial itself was a 'really beautiful thing' and said, 'We unrecorded successful Santa Barbara and we went to their courtyard, aliases courthouse, which is simply a beautiful aged Spanish building.' 

'It's a ngo building. Her son, Harry became a curate pinch nan Universal Life Church...So he joined us. And it was conscionable nan 3 of america retired successful nan courtyard astatine nan courthouse. And it was lovely.'

During an question and reply on Live With Kelly And Ryan (now Live With Kelly And Mark) in 2022, Lynch admitted that she besides became affectional during nan nuptials.

'And nan 3 of america said our small vows to each different and signed nan papers, and it was really nice. I shed a tear. I was a small surprised.' 

Earlier past week, nan brace were seen grabbing luncheon together at hotspot Lilac Montecito connected Coast Village Road. 

Along pinch taking connected roles successful beforehand of nan camera, Jane is besides known for hosting nan revival crippled show, Weakest Link, which began airing successful 2020; seen successful June successful L.A. 

Along pinch taking connected roles successful beforehand of nan camera, Jane is besides known for hosting nan revival crippled show, Weakest Link, which began airing successful 2020. 

'I for illustration making it a safe abstraction for nan players truthful each they person to interest astir is playing nan crippled well,' Lynch told The Hollywood Reporter past period successful June. 'I person specified adoration for nan contestants, too. I don't cognize really they do it.' 

'I wouldn't beryllium capable to travel up pinch those answers while nan timepiece is ticking and each of America is looking astatine you. I deliberation it's a beautiful herculean task connected their part, and they ever measurement up truthful superbly.' 

She added, 'What I emotion astir hosting is that it's astir moving nan crippled along. I'm a controlling person. I for illustration being successful charge.' 

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